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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Fury of the Dragonborn (PASSIVE)
Shyvana Passive Ability
with tanky
masteries and first items hp regeneration items and etc.
tanky masteries guarantees you survival during early game.this build is good for solo-topers and with laners.when solo with the help of tank masteries,armor penetration,armor pen runes and maxing
Burnout helps you easily farm top lane and when somebody comes for gank you can easily outrun him by help of burnout],that's why you need CD runes(W skill always to be ready for escape) and flash or [[exhaust just in case.In late game armor penetration mastery comes in handy when your main 3 items are finished:
Warmog's Armor ,
Mercury's Treads ,
Atma's Impaler or
Trinity Force instead of
Atma's Impaler.

tanky masteries guarantees you survival during early game.this build is good for solo-topers and with laners.when solo with the help of tank masteries,armor penetration,armor pen runes and maxing

I prefer flash,because it can be used in many situations when escaping,chasing and etc.Flash is recommended because your


Not a good choice because you already have [mercury's treads].

Take it if they healers or self healer champs like

Solo topper's friend,but

You already have about 5k hp and 10hp regen per/sec.why nead for heal?
In late game you get some dmg items as well with
Warmog's Armor and
Atma's Impaler you will get some dmg,with the addition of sheen you get normal dmgx3,because of sheen and
Twin the end when you build up all items you will be unstoppable.
after Trinity you must decide what you want to build first,frozen mallet for more dmg or sunfire's cape.if they have a good carry or good ad dmg-er than sunfire's cape is more recommended,if not build frozen mallet and you will get additional health and dmg.

after Trinity you must decide what you want to build first,frozen mallet for more dmg or sunfire's cape.if they have a good carry or good ad dmg-er than sunfire's cape is more recommended,if not build frozen mallet and you will get additional health and dmg.
There is another build for
Shyvana when fighting against ap champs.No changes in summoner skills,masteries and etc,only change in Items.Start of the build is the same but after
Warmog's Armor it's recommended to build
Force of Nature.It comes in handy especially when fighting against assassin mages like
Fizz and
LeBlanc.Not only you take less damage but also easily regain lost hp.besides that when finishing
Wit's End you gain more attack speed and takedown casters faster.After you built
Sheen enemy casters should run away from you really really fast :D .

To my point of view this is guide helps a lot i hope it well help you too.
I even dived second middle turret than the third and last 2 at nexus just to kill
Sion and still made it out alive besides the fact that i got stunned 2 times(1 from
Sion other from
I hope this information and guide was useful
see my other guide when fighting against more ap champs.
I even dived second middle turret than the third and last 2 at nexus just to kill

I hope this information and guide was useful
see my other guide when fighting against more ap champs.
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