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Shyvana Build Guide by Tomer8009

Shyvana - The Real Power of Demacia!

Shyvana - The Real Power of Demacia!

Updated on July 14, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tomer8009 Build Guide By Tomer8009 11 3 29,015 Views 23 Comments
11 3 29,015 Views 23 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tomer8009 Shyvana Build Guide By Tomer8009 Updated on July 14, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Shyvana
  • LoL Champion: Shyvana


Hello guys :) this is my first guilde.
Lets begin.

Shyvana is a melee champion with a very spacial ultimate, her ultimate ( Dragon's Descent) improves her all other abilities.
Her abilities makes her the perfect champion, the chaser ( Burnout), the damager ( Twin Bite), the harraser ( Flame Breath), and the escaper ( Dragon's Descent).

I play shyvana as a high HP solo top but she can eazily fill the position of the carry/jungler.
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With this build up above you will be able to kill enemy champions right after you bought a firecape

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Shyvana can chase allmost anybody in the game
Shyvana can escape with her ultimate from many bad situations
Shyvana can be jungler/dps/tanker
Shyvana's ultimate pushes enemys back wich let her to save her teamates sometimes and keeping enemy away from escaping
Great damage
pepole hates dragons


its allmost imposible for shyvana to catch an enemy with a teleport skil ( Ezreal, Kassadin)
Shyvana's only ranged atak does allmost no damage.
small boobs
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Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

DF=Dragon Form

Fury of the Dragonborn - get evry farming you can get
Twin Bite is a great spell thet lets shyvana deal allot of damage with her next atak
i upgrade this ability only one point at level 2 and the rest at levels 8,10,12,13 because this spell has a huge burst of damage and upgrading it reduces it's cooldown.
DF - atak all the enemies infront of her.
Burnout gives you a great burst of speed and also a alot of damage
you should max it as soon as posible because it is the primary skil of shyvana
Df - leave a trail of fire behind her and damaging all the enemies walking in the fire. which is graet to troll pepole, if somebody is chasing you can get into the brush (while he follows the trail) flame breath him and than burnout and than twin bite and than ignite, mostly he will die in that combo)
Flame Breath this skil is realy affective for damaging ranged champions. it is also good at 1v1 fights becuase of the passive affect. this spell has a very low damage, it is allmost useless but the passive ability (of shyvana) makes it an awesome spell and you need to upgrade your damage against tim
DF - sends 3 flame breaths and the flame breaths atak all the enemies infront of her.
Dragon's Descent is shyvana's ultimate. it is used mostly to escape. it can pass through walls, this ability let shyvana escape escape from allmost any champion. i upgrade it as soon as posible at levels 6, 11, 16.
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BW/CBR=Buy When?, Can be replaced with:

Regular Build
- is a very good item, it gives you early health and armor to make you tanky and also health regain that helps in the lane
BW/CBR-when you are the solo top you need to be powerfull as posible, i believe that Boots and 3 Health Potion are a bad start of shyvana but if you think it will work out for you better good luck
- more defence, more trancy.
BW/CBR-you can (and sopposed to) replace this item to a Ninja Tabi when there are 2 or more DPS at the enemy team
- its a very important item in shyvana's build, this item upgrades shyvana's burnout, gives her health and armor and lets her start diving towers against low health champions, on my opinion this is the most important item, its like infinity edge for tryndamere or thornmail for rammus.
BW/CBR-never replace this item, hes the most important item in this build
gives her even more health and slow passive that helps her chase guys even without burnout, very affective and totaly worth it item.
BW/CBR- i strongly recommend to keep this item (it slows stuff!) but if you realy want to replace it Youmuu's Ghostblade is a pretty good item that can speed you up for chasing
twin bite can deal 2 critical strikes and its just amazing how the AD carry dies in 3 seconds
speed bonus + critical strike
BW/CBR- this is not a regular item of your build so i have nothing to right about him (Replace With:)
more damage and more life steal to keep you more time in the fight
BW/CBR- same as the phantom dancer
- more damage, critical strike works on both attaks ([twin bite]) and the active of this item with the active of frozen mallet is just too awesome!
BW/CBR- it can be replaced with Madred's Bloodrazor
both items are great on shyvana and they work trice on her Q, makes her exremly powerfull
BW/CBR- both are realy graet, buy Madred's Bloodrazor in regular situations and Wit's End when there are alot of AP in the opposite team
Alternate Items
- replace this with [frozen mallet] or [madred's bloodrazor] if there are alot of enemy dpses
if there is no tank in your team
this item is usefull if you have bought a [warmog's armor] already^^
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Greater mark of desolation greater quintessence of desolation this runes gives 1.66 armor penetration and it is awesome on shyvana, she need alot of armor penetration and also be tanky in the same time.
Greater Seal of Armor Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist shyvana need alot of armor and this runes are perfect for thet.
all the other runes are good only if you have already bought them before, if you dont runes already buy the runes i explained about up here
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Sommoner spells


this is required in the early game, spacialy for the jungle
great to end dives and secure kills
good for any champion, because of shyvana's ultimate you don't have to get flash
good for any champ either, Exhaust is alot better and usefull on her
it is required if you are planning to be the jungler, if not its a waste of sommoner spell
if you are the solo top teleport can be realy usefull for you
becomes useless after buying a frozen mallet
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Best Teamates

Shyvana is a jungler/solo top but in normal and co-op games you can be also bot with a parthner (or top when there is no jungle)
anyway here is some of the best team mates of shyvana
- shes the best support that shyvana needs to kill her enemies
- great support, can stop the enemies and also deal tons of damage
icon=kayle size=55] - hes very helpful in dives, and help you stay in the lane allot longer
- sejuani is an awesome slower she can help allot in dives and chases
same reasons as sejuani
can work very good, but there are allot of better supports for shyvana
and allot more! - any ranged damage dealer works very well with shyvana
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Shyvana isnt the best jungle out there but she can jungle nicelyAs the jungler you need to help your lanes kill the enemies and push (spacialy top lane)
Important stuff:
Dont kill the golems in the early game, they will drain your health and force you to recall after you kill them
Dont gank unwisely because it can destroy your whole game
Let your teamates know your coming by writing : "OMW X" (X=name of the lane like top bot or mid)

Step 1: Take the red buff (with a leash) without the red buff your chances to kill something in ganks is allmost 0%

Step 2-3: take the witches and the wolves

Step 4: in this step you should have the red buff and you are level 2 (at the ned of level 2) so go now to the top lane by the way i pictured in the map above^^ and gank, if you kill him go to step 5, if you didnt and your stil level 2 farm top until your level 3 (should take up to 30 seconds)

step 5: go to the enemy's jungle and stil their red buff and than gank mid

step 6: go to the enemy's jungle again and still their blue buff for the solo mid, sopport, AD carry. and than gank bot with the guy you gave the blue buff

step 7: take the dragon

step 8: gank evrywhere and get the enemy's buffs, gank top more than mid and bot.


you can buy instead of Wriggle's Lantern alot of potions and shoes
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Change log/Coming soon

25.5.2012 released the guild
26.5.2012 upgraded the items section
28.5.2012 added the best team mates section

Coming soon:
Jungler build and improved guild
Dominion guild
Grammer fixes (dont worry i will fix it!)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tomer8009
Tomer8009 Shyvana Guide
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Shyvana - The Real Power of Demacia!

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