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Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
Alright, people HATE when I do this. They don't listen to my defense for it and they just ***blast me with "Clarity is bad" without giving me reasons so here is why I think this set up is great.
Clarity: Early game aggressive Singed is very quick to run out of mana and playing defensive Singed isn't exactly easy to last hit with before you grab poison. Even after poison you could still lose a bit before you can last hit easily. So you go on the aggressive. Scare them the **** off and keep the lane to yourself. Without clarity it's a bit difficult to be aggressive and successfully early lane Singed. You take clarity and with Singed's abilities and regen with some good ol' health pots our lane sustain is like you just went on a 3 day cocaine bender. You're still going to get hurt a bit because early game Singed is kinda shakey but you hit level six and if you had a good lane partner or even a good jungler who'd pass you the kills you could have your RoA or your Lv 3 boots by now. And you barely have to leave your lane! That's my Clarity defense. Feel free to discuss, I want to know what you guys have to say about it.
Ghost: I don't really see a need to defend this one. I use this spell for aggression; for the most part. I use it for escapes if need be. But I mostly use it to chase ****ers down and feed them to my team.
Clarity: Early game aggressive Singed is very quick to run out of mana and playing defensive Singed isn't exactly easy to last hit with before you grab poison. Even after poison you could still lose a bit before you can last hit easily. So you go on the aggressive. Scare them the **** off and keep the lane to yourself. Without clarity it's a bit difficult to be aggressive and successfully early lane Singed. You take clarity and with Singed's abilities and regen with some good ol' health pots our lane sustain is like you just went on a 3 day cocaine bender. You're still going to get hurt a bit because early game Singed is kinda shakey but you hit level six and if you had a good lane partner or even a good jungler who'd pass you the kills you could have your RoA or your Lv 3 boots by now. And you barely have to leave your lane! That's my Clarity defense. Feel free to discuss, I want to know what you guys have to say about it.
Ghost: I don't really see a need to defend this one. I use this spell for aggression; for the most part. I use it for escapes if need be. But I mostly use it to chase ****ers down and feed them to my team.
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