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Ability Order
Glory in Death (PASSIVE)
Sion Passive Ability
It's pretty basic and developed myself from just playing him over and over again.
I reckon Masteries are quite standard as well, you want to be focusing down the left hand side of offense with a little bit of defense for early game, I think that although 6 armor & magic resist may not sound like a lot but at level one its you will feel it especially if your against another Sion and he doesn't
As i said before AD,AD,AD so start with a Dorans Blade, get your basic boots next but don't be rushing back for them on average i would say the first time i go back i'm buying the boots and the Vampiric Scepter, you need to get the scepter quick because it covers the health you lose with enrage meaning you don't need to worry about only activating it for last hit!
Now that you have your basics upgrade those boots! Sion's attack speed sucks, get yourself a bloodthirster personally i think it's the best item in the game its a must! now because the attack speed sucks get a zeal turn it into a phantom dancer however if your playing well and getting enough last hits consider the infinite edge then phantom dancer.
Now I've suggested Atmas Impaler and Black Cleaver, this is situational being honest i like getting a second phantom dancer these three items and a last whisper are all situational your last 2 items should be one of these.
A lot of people suggest Warmogs and other HP/Armour items but that's what Enrage is for in my eyes.
Now that you have your basics upgrade those boots! Sion's attack speed sucks, get yourself a bloodthirster personally i think it's the best item in the game its a must! now because the attack speed sucks get a zeal turn it into a phantom dancer however if your playing well and getting enough last hits consider the infinite edge then phantom dancer.
Now I've suggested Atmas Impaler and Black Cleaver, this is situational being honest i like getting a second phantom dancer these three items and a last whisper are all situational your last 2 items should be one of these.
A lot of people suggest Warmogs and other HP/Armour items but that's what Enrage is for in my eyes.
Starting with stun is a must because its gonna help get that first blood, next put a point in Enrage then at level 3 Death's Caress once you have a point in that ignore it until the end focus on Enrage putting point's in Cannibalism when you can, once Enrage is maxed get those point's into Cryptic Gaze get that stun maxed it makes a huge difference the cooldown is so high at level 1, although you aren't putting points into Deaths Caress you should still use it whenever you get into a Champion fight it will give you an edge.
Now because were putting points into Enrage and already have high AD from masteries and runes you can take down minions pretty quick, i tend to ignore them until they are low HP and i can one hit them this means you will maximize farm increasing your HP at the same time, this will mean your not pushing your lane but that isn't a bad thing, laning is the most important part if you can get a couple of kills in this stage its really gonna make a difference when you start roaming so don't worry if there towers still up at 20mins just make sure yours is as well.
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