Statistically and practically Sivir's worst matchup. After the nerfs to Shieldbow and Wits she's easier to deal with, but she's still a quite difficult lane. Vayne will try to farm up and dodge your Q's with her Tumble. Therefore the best way to approach the early laning phase is, especially with a poke support, to push her in and poke her when she uses Tumble to last hit. This way, you can probably force her out of lane, or you can also bounce the wave back and freeze if you have a jungler with good early ganks. Be careful after level 6 though, because she'll be able to turn on you with her ult. Late game try to not allow her to flank you.
Kalista is a lane bully with a lot of mobility. She can easily dodge your Q while jumping towards you, and the bad part is that you also can't predict where she will jump. Therefore this is a quite support reliant lane and you should just farm it out because Kalista has a very weak late game due to her auto attack drawbacks. Also, if you can get any support that slows her, the lane automatically becomes much easier.
Kog'Maw is rarely played and whenever you face him, he will be 90% likely played with a Lulu. This makes the lane very hard because Lulu can shield your Q poke and if you push them under their turret, they can easily run you down by using their W's. Sivir has no escapes so this trade usually ends up favoring Kog'Maw. Try to spellshield his Q if you can because it reduces your defenses if it hits.
A matchup on the edge of being a 5 but I think he is an easier version of Kalista. Draven has VERY strong auto attacks with his axes which allow him to easily outtrade you, and with his W he can also easily run you down. However, he must catch his axes, and they show where they are going to land. Therefore my advise on this matchup is to START TEAR even when playing a Crit build, and throw Q at the spots where his Q's will land. If you land a lot of them, he can easily be bullied out of lane, especially if you also have a poke support like Lux, Xerath, Seraphine etc. But still, remember to be mindful of him, as he is definitely way better than you at 1- and 2v2s.
Rarely played in the bot lane, but oh god is he annoying. Sivir has 500 range which already makes the matchup hard, but he can also windwall your biggest source of damage without many drawbacks. Make sure to abuse his lvl 1 because he has only 490 starting HP. It's even better if you have a good disengage support like Alistar because he won't be able to really fight you like this. Remember that he's almost always played with a knock-up support, so respect him after 6 and be mindful of what you spellshield. He can overall be outscaled.
Aphelios starts much stronger than you in lane with his Caitlyn-esque range and it doesn't get better when after that he gets his root gun, which makes him have very potent all-ins, or the Severum-Chakram (Red-White guns) combo which makes him impossible to fight. He's not impossible to beat, but outscales you damage wise, so you should try to use your waveclear and ultimate to your advantage as much as you can, because he is very immobile. Also make sure to fight him when he has a bad gun combination, however that would be rare if the Aphelios is good.
Major with Nami but even then he's beatable. You must play safe and make sure to spellshield his Q. He's not that hard to outscale. There isn't really much more to it, if he has a support that doesn't work with him though (mostly mage supports), you can easily abuse his lack of range with your Q.
I'm not sure whether Samira is worth to be put in Major due to her current weak state. The matchup is a bit coinflippy because it heavily depends on what support she has. If she has a support whose engage you can't easily spellshield (Leona/Alistar/Amumu), she may bring you a lot of trouble. Otherwise, she's quite easy to abuse pre-6 with her lack of range and waveclear. Especially if you go Lethality and have a poke support, it's very easy to cheese lane and outscale her. Not that she scales poorly, but she's countered too easily in the current state of the game.
Ashe outranges you by 100 range which does give her some advantage in lane, but her autos don't hurt a lot. Her W is a good ability to spellshield for mana, but be careful because Ashe works with pretty much all supports and depending on the support, she may be able to heavily punish you for blocking her W, especially when she has ult post-6. You do a lot more damage to her late game, but be mindful of her utility and don't let her slow you in teamfights, catching you off-position.
Akshan is very rarely played in the bot lane but can be quite difficult. He can engage on you after you use your Q and you won't be able to do much because he's just better in the early game. He is also a bit hard to gank. You could try going Lethality and farming from distance if the odds are in his favor. However post early game you shouldn't be really worried about him, just be careful that you don't farm side lanes alone because he could kill you from invis.
Jinx has more range in lane with her rocket launcher but she's immobile which makes landing Q on her easier. You both will try to just push each other under turret so it will likely end up being a farm lane. Then, you must get a bigger lead in the mid-game before she hits 3 items, because after that she will outdamage you and even with your ult, you'll have trouble reaching her. You can spellshield all of her abilities. Be careful about fighting her in all-ins in lane, with Lethal Tempo her long fights are stronger now.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune has strong harass in lane and her E is an easy setup for ganks or all-ins. She can also dodge your Q most of the time due to the increased MS from W. Her Q poke is spellshieldable but has a shorter cooldown than your spellshield, so play safe until it comes back up. Her ultimate can't be spellshielded and late game pretty much the only thing she'll be aiming to do will be to land a good ult on your team. So try to not stay close to each other and use the MS from your ult together as a team to either run from her ult or reach her quickly.
You do beat Twitch in lane by poking him with Q and having better waveclear, and you can try to freeze for a gank. The thing is that he may be able to avoid the gank with his camouflage from Q, and after level 6 (or sometimes even earlier) he'll begin using said stealth to constantly try to pick up kills around the map - especially true if he is playing AP Twitch. So whenever he isn't to be seen on the map, be very careful. If he doesn't get fed, you'll be more useful than him, since he is immobile and easy to dive on.
I'm not sure if Tristana deserves to be in Minor or in Even because the matchup is very easy to **** up. There are a LOT of things that favor Sivir: you have full control over the waves because Tristana has an anti-freezing tool (an explosion happens around minions that she kills), you can stand near minions and spellshield said explosion for mana, you can spellshield her ult, you can poke her, you can block both the application and the explosion of her bomb. However, mistime one of those and one or two kills are usually enough for her to take off. Definitely go Exhaust in this matchup to weaken her when she jumps on you. If you want to spellshield her bomb application, try to press spellshield while she's jumping, since that's when most of them usually apply the bomb. Else, block the explosion.
Senna is quite an easy matchup because you can spellshield all of her abilities and she's very squishy and immobile, making her an easy target to poke and kill. She's rarely played as an ADC - but it's not much different from support. Watch out for her Q and W (you can spellshield her W even after it hits you). Senna did get some range nerfs last season so now her scaling isn't as oppressive as it was before, therefore you shouldn't struggle a lot vs her in the late game. Still, try to get a lead in the early to mid game.
Some folks have trouble vs her but I find her quite easy, Xayah has low range so you can outpoke her, and her Q is an easy ability to spellshield. Watch out to not get rooted by her feathers lying on the ground and try to not get into AA exchange trades with her because her W gives her AS and MS.
Seraphine was once a popular APC and still gets played like one sometimes. Overall very easy matchup, you can spellshield whatever you want, just watch out for her double casts - you may not want to spellshield an E double cast because you will still get slowed and become vulnerable. Try to spellshield her ult if possible because it's the most dangerous ability that she has. You have better waveclear than her at all stages of the game so use that to manipulate the wave to your advantage.
Ezreal is a matchup where you get to scale for free because he can't really threaten you - his poke gets blocked by minions and even if it doesn't, you can spellshield it. Besides, he has no waveclear so you can easily freeze - although he's a bit hard to gank. I recommend going Crit here because it scales better and he's easy to scale against. If you want to trade with him, don't spellshield his W - spellshield the Q that comes after that.
Kai'Sa is easy to bully with her very weak early game. Kai'Sa doesn't lack damage between her W burst, isolated Q and passive procs, but all of that is very hard to land during the early game in the middle of minion waves which makes her an easy target to bully. My personal favorite Runepage for this matchup is Fleet Footwork, it allows you to easily hit her with free autos or Q her whenever you get a MS proc.
Stay away from his Q bounces except if you want to spellshield the Q for mana, but I recommend to save it for his root except if you really need mana. You can also use his traps if you know he's not near and when he ults, you can use your E to tank a shot for a teammate. Overall easy because you can scale without much trouble and allow your team to dive on him with ult, BUT don't let him hit you too many times with his 4th shot in lane, this is the tricky part about the matchup and easy to mess up. If you do let him hit you with 4th shot too often, he will come on top and snowball. Don't forget that it's good to all-in/dive him with your jungle when he's about to use his 4th shot - it won't hurt that much if you are high on HP AND he will be disarmed for 2.5 seconds.
Arguably Sivir's easiest matchup, Sivir negates ALL of Caitlyn's strengths, you have the same and later on - better waveclear than her, you can spellshield every single one of her abilities, you can use her traps for free mana, you can land free Qs on her because she is a slow and you'll eventually outscale her because she lacks AoE dmg and any AS/MS steroids in her kit.
In my opinion the best support for Sivir. Yuumi is permanently attached to you therefore you both get to use your spellshield. Besides, Sivir is a VERY safe laner which allows Yuumi to scale for free. Your Q's have a quite good poke synergy and after some levels you can even take fights because your kits simply synergize too well. Not to mention how strong both ults are in teamfights.
Yet another scaling enchanter, the lane is weak but both of you can just sit back and scale without much trouble. There aren't really any specific synergies here, the lane is simply very safe and allows both of you to scale into the late game and win.
Sivir and Janna have great poke synergy with Janna landing her W and Sivir throwing Q afterwards. Besides, they are both extremely safe, with Janna having two forms of strong peel and Sivir having a spellshield and a lot of movement speed, making them nearly impossible to catch offguard. Very good synergy.
A great poke lane. Lux has two abilities that can poke, Q and E, and since both of them have some form of CC attached to them, you want to time your Q with her poke for an easy lane. I recommend to go Lethality with her. But be careful and end the game early, because she doesn't scale very well.
Since Sivir has waveclear, you can push the enemies under turret, which gives Blitzcrank a lot of space to land hooks on unprotected enemies. That or they'll have to play so far back they don't get any farm. More so, Blitzcrank's hook brings enemies in your face, which allows Sivir to land a full Q, often resulting in a kill.
Similar to Lux with the exception that she can't poke as often. She does bring better utility though and scales better into the late game with her Mantra E. Putting her below Lux because the poke synergy is a bit worse.
Soraka is also a very strong duo, but she normally gets outscaled by other enchanters, and doesn't have good poke setup for Sivir, therefore I think the synergy is a bit lacking. If you have a Soraka, trade very often in the early game, her biggest strength in lane is that her W heal is so strong early on that she guarantees free trades for you.
Sivir is not a hypercarry in the way that Vayne, Jinx and Kog'Maw are, so Lulu isn't as strong with Sivir. However, the duo is still quite good, as Lulu is very strong in the early game, and Sivir's ult compensates for her lack of AoE buffs, in a way. Be sure to play one of the Crit builds with her, as she amplifies DPS carries the best.
Rakan is actually a very strong support for Sivir. Both of you are slippery and even though his lane is a bit weak, if he lands a W, you can still try to go for an all-in. Later on combining your ults creates devastating engages in teamfights.
Sivir is easily one of the best ADCs for Bard because she can handle lanes on her own (but you may have to start Tear in harder lanes), which allows him to roam often and make an impact around the map. Rating him as Strong only because the Bard player has to be good.
Thresh is a very versatile support that works with all ADCs. He can engage, he can disengage, he even has okay poke and he can easily get you out of sticky situations. Like Bard, putting him in Strong only because the Thresh played must be good.
Both of you have very strong poke and Zyra also has a lot of CC. Her plants are also good as "bodyguards" to block skillshots for both of you.
Pyke has insanely good roams and he can easily roam with a Sivir. Besides, if you play the Lethality build with him, he'll be able to execute targets left low by your Q.
I think Braum is actually quite good with Sivir, he's a disengage support which makes your duo very safe against engage teams. He also had a windwall which always comes in handy, and if he lands his Q's, you can always match poke with him. You also have an auto attack reset, which allows you to easily proc his passive. And the teamfight synergy is of course quite good.
You'll rarely see a Neeko support, but her E and your Q do have great synergy and your ult allows her to land hers more easily. I'd say she's a quite decent support for Sivir.
You both have okay poke but it's not the strongest in the early game. Also you are both AD which makes you very easy to itemize against (enemies buy Plated Steelcaps = good luck doing damage). It's an okay lane but I'd not poke too hard, try to just get through lane without dying as both of you rely on that to scale.
Nami is the queen of trading, something that Sivir sadly can't use very well because she has 500 AA range and unlike Lucian, has no dashes. Your best bet is that she E's herself and uses W to poke the enemies while you throw Q on them at the same time. It's a good lane but Nami relies on snowballing with ADCs like Lucian/Draven and Sivir just doesn't do the same.
Brand's poke is strong, but easy to dodge, and he must land his stun or else it's hard to match your poke. Definitely a good poke lane but since he provides only damage and gets easily beaten by the current meta enchanters, I'd rate him as an OK synergy.
Well you already have a lot of movement speed and so his utility doesn't really benefit you a lot. His poke is also a bit hard to land and he's very weak before 6. You can have a strong synergy in the mid game, though.
Pantheon is not often seen as a support nowadays but he's not the worst for Sivir. Your ult can easily let him get in range for W and since his engage is point-and-click, you can guaranteed just throw a Q when he engages, which often results in kills. But if the enemy bot lane simply has more range than him, you aren't going to do anything in lane and must simply hope that he'll find good roams or that you'll scale.
On first glance it seems like a good lane because they both have spellshields, but I must tell you that practically it doesn't work like that. Morgana doesn't have any poke and you aren't that strong early by yourself, so you basically simply have a lane that's immune to engage supports... and that's it. Putting it as OK because her landing Q can still result in a kill and because your ult allows her to channel the full duration of her ult more easily.
Same as Leona except that he has better roams so I'd say he's a bit better than her for Sivir. You can push the wave, letting him roam, while you sit in lane and peacefully farm. Or you can also follow his roams if you think you can make an impact in the fight, but I'd recommend to farm up most of the time.
Pretty much the same as Leona, although Nautilus does provide more AoE CC and is a better teamfighter, so he's probably a slightly better choice than her.
Engage supports simply don't work that well with Sivir. Sivir wants to push lane and make the enemy ADC fall behind in farm. Engage supports on the other hand want the wave frozen next to their turret to constantly threaten with an engage. Of course you can bounce the wave back and freeze, but it's very likely that Leona will get poked down in the process because her engage is low ranged before 6 and because even if she turns around and engages, you just don't have that much damage to help her. Besides, it's very easy to get baited to throw Q while trying to bounce the wave, resulting in breaking the freeze.
Rarely played in SoloQ but he's an okay support with his peel and his ult is a great teamfighting tool, albeit it requires some coordination (and it could throw enemies out of your Q's way).
Sett support is still played sometimes, but he is absurdly easy to kite, and Sivir isn't the best match for him because he wants to use his very strong early game to fight all the time. I don't think Sivir's ult is good enough to compensate for his immobility, but since his ult is a GREAT peel tool, I'll rate him as OK.
The Sad Mummy was a good support but got very big nerfs. Same as the other engage supports, you both just have counter-intuitive playstyles. More so, his passive converts a percentage of the magic damage dealt to his target to true damage. Sivir has no magic damage so this is rendered useless. Still, the teamfight potential is there, so I think he's not the worst.
Seraphine's poke is hard to land and doesn't hurt that much. Which makes the lane rely mostly on you poking well because otherwise you are both squishy and she's very easy to jump on. Sivir also doesn't have any synergies with her (for example Ashe's auto attacks allow Seraphine's E to automatically root). And if you are going to just play lane with her to let her scale, then you may (ironically) just play with Sona who scales a LOT better.
Galio's engage is strong but a bit hard to land compared to other engage supports. His ult is quite disruptive but for me not strong enough to rate him as an OK synergy.
Haven't played with her but I know that she's sometimes played as a support. Her E is hard to dodge so her empowered E could probably have an okay synergy with your Q, but you'll have to aim carefully because she fears the enemies, therefore they'll run in a certain direction. I think the pick is quite weak overall, though.
Almost never played. She does have good CC but that's pretty much it. Her W got nerfed to the abysmally long CD of 18 seconds in the early game, therefore you won't be able to do much then. I think it's just not worth it, she's simply an ult bot.
I'd consider dodging. Absolutely no synergy between the two, he leaves you to 1v2 lane and his roams aren't that great. Shaco support is but a counter to engage supports, so he could be okay against them. Otherwise, completely useless.
He provides nothing other than cheese roams and if they don't succeed, you are stuck with a Twitch support that only deals damage. But he could still maybe work in low elo because they won't respect him. Don't expect to be the carry in games with him.
In my opinion the best support for Sivir. Yuumi is permanently attached to you therefore you both get to use your spellshield. Besides, Sivir is a VERY safe laner which allows Yuumi to scale for free. Your Q's have a quite good poke synergy and after some levels you can even take fights because your kits simply synergize too well. Not to mention how strong both ults are in teamfights.
Yet another scaling enchanter, the lane is weak but both of you can just sit back and scale without much trouble. There aren't really any specific synergies here, the lane is simply very safe and allows both of you to scale into the late game and win.
Sivir and Janna have great poke synergy with Janna landing her W and Sivir throwing Q afterwards. Besides, they are both extremely safe, with Janna having two forms of strong peel and Sivir having a spellshield and a lot of movement speed, making them nearly impossible to catch offguard. Very good synergy.
A great poke lane. Lux has two abilities that can poke, Q and E, and since both of them have some form of CC attached to them, you want to time your Q with her poke for an easy lane. I recommend to go Lethality with her. But be careful and end the game early, because she doesn't scale very well.
Since Sivir has waveclear, you can push the enemies under turret, which gives Blitzcrank a lot of space to land hooks on unprotected enemies. That or they'll have to play so far back they don't get any farm. More so, Blitzcrank's hook brings enemies in your face, which allows Sivir to land a full Q, often resulting in a kill.
Similar to Lux with the exception that she can't poke as often. She does bring better utility though and scales better into the late game with her Mantra E. Putting her below Lux because the poke synergy is a bit worse.
Soraka is also a very strong duo, but she normally gets outscaled by other enchanters, and doesn't have good poke setup for Sivir, therefore I think the synergy is a bit lacking. If you have a Soraka, trade very often in the early game, her biggest strength in lane is that her W heal is so strong early on that she guarantees free trades for you.
Sivir is not a hypercarry in the way that Vayne, Jinx and Kog'Maw are, so Lulu isn't as strong with Sivir. However, the duo is still quite good, as Lulu is very strong in the early game, and Sivir's ult compensates for her lack of AoE buffs, in a way. Be sure to play one of the Crit builds with her, as she amplifies DPS carries the best.
Rakan is actually a very strong support for Sivir. Both of you are slippery and even though his lane is a bit weak, if he lands a W, you can still try to go for an all-in. Later on combining your ults creates devastating engages in teamfights.
Sivir is easily one of the best ADCs for Bard because she can handle lanes on her own (but you may have to start Tear in harder lanes), which allows him to roam often and make an impact around the map. Rating him as Strong only because the Bard player has to be good.
Thresh is a very versatile support that works with all ADCs. He can engage, he can disengage, he even has okay poke and he can easily get you out of sticky situations. Like Bard, putting him in Strong only because the Thresh played must be good.
Both of you have very strong poke and Zyra also has a lot of CC. Her plants are also good as "bodyguards" to block skillshots for both of you.
Pyke has insanely good roams and he can easily roam with a Sivir. Besides, if you play the Lethality build with him, he'll be able to execute targets left low by your Q.
I think Braum is actually quite good with Sivir, he's a disengage support which makes your duo very safe against engage teams. He also had a windwall which always comes in handy, and if he lands his Q's, you can always match poke with him. You also have an auto attack reset, which allows you to easily proc his passive. And the teamfight synergy is of course quite good.
You'll rarely see a Neeko support, but her E and your Q do have great synergy and your ult allows her to land hers more easily. I'd say she's a quite decent support for Sivir.
You both have okay poke but it's not the strongest in the early game. Also you are both AD which makes you very easy to itemize against (enemies buy Plated Steelcaps = good luck doing damage). It's an okay lane but I'd not poke too hard, try to just get through lane without dying as both of you rely on that to scale.
Nami is the queen of trading, something that Sivir sadly can't use very well because she has 500 AA range and unlike Lucian, has no dashes. Your best bet is that she E's herself and uses W to poke the enemies while you throw Q on them at the same time. It's a good lane but Nami relies on snowballing with ADCs like Lucian/Draven and Sivir just doesn't do the same.
Brand's poke is strong, but easy to dodge, and he must land his stun or else it's hard to match your poke. Definitely a good poke lane but since he provides only damage and gets easily beaten by the current meta enchanters, I'd rate him as an OK synergy.
Well you already have a lot of movement speed and so his utility doesn't really benefit you a lot. His poke is also a bit hard to land and he's very weak before 6. You can have a strong synergy in the mid game, though.
Pantheon is not often seen as a support nowadays but he's not the worst for Sivir. Your ult can easily let him get in range for W and since his engage is point-and-click, you can guaranteed just throw a Q when he engages, which often results in kills. But if the enemy bot lane simply has more range than him, you aren't going to do anything in lane and must simply hope that he'll find good roams or that you'll scale.
On first glance it seems like a good lane because they both have spellshields, but I must tell you that practically it doesn't work like that. Morgana doesn't have any poke and you aren't that strong early by yourself, so you basically simply have a lane that's immune to engage supports... and that's it. Putting it as OK because her landing Q can still result in a kill and because your ult allows her to channel the full duration of her ult more easily.
Same as Leona except that he has better roams so I'd say he's a bit better than her for Sivir. You can push the wave, letting him roam, while you sit in lane and peacefully farm. Or you can also follow his roams if you think you can make an impact in the fight, but I'd recommend to farm up most of the time.
Pretty much the same as Leona, although Nautilus does provide more AoE CC and is a better teamfighter, so he's probably a slightly better choice than her.
Engage supports simply don't work that well with Sivir. Sivir wants to push lane and make the enemy ADC fall behind in farm. Engage supports on the other hand want the wave frozen next to their turret to constantly threaten with an engage. Of course you can bounce the wave back and freeze, but it's very likely that Leona will get poked down in the process because her engage is low ranged before 6 and because even if she turns around and engages, you just don't have that much damage to help her. Besides, it's very easy to get baited to throw Q while trying to bounce the wave, resulting in breaking the freeze.
Rarely played in SoloQ but he's an okay support with his peel and his ult is a great teamfighting tool, albeit it requires some coordination (and it could throw enemies out of your Q's way).
Sett support is still played sometimes, but he is absurdly easy to kite, and Sivir isn't the best match for him because he wants to use his very strong early game to fight all the time. I don't think Sivir's ult is good enough to compensate for his immobility, but since his ult is a GREAT peel tool, I'll rate him as OK.
The Sad Mummy was a good support but got very big nerfs. Same as the other engage supports, you both just have counter-intuitive playstyles. More so, his passive converts a percentage of the magic damage dealt to his target to true damage. Sivir has no magic damage so this is rendered useless. Still, the teamfight potential is there, so I think he's not the worst.
Seraphine's poke is hard to land and doesn't hurt that much. Which makes the lane rely mostly on you poking well because otherwise you are both squishy and she's very easy to jump on. Sivir also doesn't have any synergies with her (for example Ashe's auto attacks allow Seraphine's E to automatically root). And if you are going to just play lane with her to let her scale, then you may (ironically) just play with Sona who scales a LOT better.
Galio's engage is strong but a bit hard to land compared to other engage supports. His ult is quite disruptive but for me not strong enough to rate him as an OK synergy.
Haven't played with her but I know that she's sometimes played as a support. Her E is hard to dodge so her empowered E could probably have an okay synergy with your Q, but you'll have to aim carefully because she fears the enemies, therefore they'll run in a certain direction. I think the pick is quite weak overall, though.
Almost never played. She does have good CC but that's pretty much it. Her W got nerfed to the abysmally long CD of 18 seconds in the early game, therefore you won't be able to do much then. I think it's just not worth it, she's simply an ult bot.
I'd consider dodging. Absolutely no synergy between the two, he leaves you to 1v2 lane and his roams aren't that great. Shaco support is but a counter to engage supports, so he could be okay against them. Otherwise, completely useless.
He provides nothing other than cheese roams and if they don't succeed, you are stuck with a Twitch support that only deals damage. But he could still maybe work in low elo because they won't respect him. Don't expect to be the carry in games with him.
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