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Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
1. Fast attack speed as well as a significant pool of ability power.
2. You can pull people super far maximizing the potential of your ulti.
3. You can slow people pretty well making it hard for them to return to safety.
4. He's a freakin scorpion.
1. People tend to steal your kills while you are pulling enemies...-_-
2. Until your attack speed is built up you cannot spam crystal slash as fast.
3. People may expect you to jungle. Say no.
4. Mana hungry at the beginning of the game.
1. Fast attack speed as well as a significant pool of ability power.
2. You can pull people super far maximizing the potential of your ulti.
3. You can slow people pretty well making it hard for them to return to safety.
4. He's a freakin scorpion.
1. People tend to steal your kills while you are pulling enemies...-_-
2. Until your attack speed is built up you cannot spam crystal slash as fast.
3. People may expect you to jungle. Say no.
4. Mana hungry at the beginning of the game.
I'm still playing around with the rune setup to figure what would be best for him but right now I have magic penetration marks instead of pure ability power so that he can still be effective against the less squishy champions. I then put in ability power seals to buff his damage. I use cooldown reduction glyphs so that he can spam his crystal slash more often and finally I use ability power quintessences to buff his damage even more.
Since I am taking exhaust as one of my summoner spells i put a point in cripple so that when I use that spell my damage output increases. I then put three points in archmage's savvy to buff his damage. I then take 4 points in sorcery so that i can get to archaic knowledge which is a very important talent to have for anyone who wants to play an ability power champ. At this point it may be possible to effectively play skarner by putting points in defensive masteries but I've found that his health is pretty good and he can sustain a significant amount of damage because of his shield that he doesnt really need the defensive masteries. Especially at low levels skarner has a little bit of a mana problem. One big fight may run you out of mana so i put points in perserverence. Then because im using ghost i put points in haste. I then put points in awareness because leveling faster can really give you a bit of an edge on your opponents even if it means hitting level 6 seconds before they do. Because of the previously mentioned mana issue i put points in expanded mind and meditation.
Some people like putting points in utility master but since im not jungling i dont really care to have that much. My opinion on the talent Greed: Never. Use. It. If you put a point in greed you are basically wasting a point. Put it in something else that matters. Here's the math behind this reasoning. If you get 1 extra gold ever 10 seconds then you are getting 6 extra gold a minute. Most games last less than an hour but if a game lasts exactly an hour you are getting 360 extra gold per game (6x60). Since this is not xbox the number 360 does not excite us because all thats enough for is a pair of boots or some health do yourself a favor...and dont put a point in greed. Quickness will then let you keep up with champions and help you pull enemies farther when using your ulti. 3 points are then put into intelligence and presence of the master because obviously lower cooldowns are awesome.
Start with
because you will want a little health and ability power boost for the beginning of the game so you can survive a little longer and do a little more damage. The main source of skarner's damage is his crystal slash so at this point we need to start getting some attack speed so that we utilize our passive thus allowing us to use crystal slash more often. We must, however, make sure we do not forget to stack some ability power.
gives us a nice attack speed boost. The 10% cooldown reduction is also very good at helping us spam crystal slash. Next up is
. This item will give boost us to a comfortable attack speed. It also gives us an ability power boost as well as reduces the enemy's magic resist which is a good damage buff for our crystal slash. At this point we should be able spam crystal slash with little intermission. Because we are using an ability so often
is EXTREMELY important.
comes next. It will give us another 15% cooldown reduction! THATS AMAZING!!! Crystal slash spam ftw. It also increases our ability power so we can increase our ability damage and it increases attack speed enabling us to fully utilize our passive. At this point we already have a fairly good ability power pool and we are able to use crystal slash very often so now we need to shift our focus to buffing our ability power even further for maximum damage.
will give us a NICE ability power boost. Plus...when you use an ability, your next auto attack is increased in damage by the amount of ability power you have! Considering we are using crystal slash every few seconds and we have built up a pretty good pool of ability power this effect is going to be proccing pretty often! This damage is going to devastate your enemies!
is next. This item is perfect for a melee ability power user because your are constantly close to your enemies when attacking so their magic resist will be reduced during all your encounters. It adds even more ability power which will help you with your base ability damage as well as your lich bane procs.

All the ability power you have stacked so far will finally pay off because the long awaited
is next! This will give you a nice damage buff to all your abilities.
is next. It will buff your auto attack even further. Because you are hitting so fast at this point and because the enemy's magic resist is being reduced so much, the 4% health as magic damage perk is PERFECT for you. If you need a little more survivability you may want to take a

Just a little side note: Don't get hell bent on buying your boots of swiftness RIGHT when the build says to. It's a good thing to have them, but if you're close to getting enough cash for your next item wait till a little later to get the boots of swiftness. The speed is a nice boost but if it means waiting until the next time you recall to get your sheen, you will be better off buying the sheen first and waiting until later to get the boots of swiftness.
Crystal slahed needs to be maxed first because it is your main source of damage and slows the enemy making it hard for them to escape. A point should be placed in crystaline exoskeleton at level two. This is your second most important spell. It increases your attack and run speed as well as your armor which is a great spell to use when engaging in fights. Fracture should receive a point at level four but is your least priority and should be maxed last.

Your ultimate has many uses. Although it can be great for pulling people into your turrets do not limit yourself to this. You can also pull people off of their turrets, you can pull people into your team or into stuns or shackles such as veigar's or swain's, or you can straight up use the move as a damaging ability. Analyze the situation to use your ultimate as effectively as possible.
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