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Building HP on skarner is not optimal because you want to make the W shield as worth as possible thus meaning you shall concentrate on resistances, I sugest a MR item as you don't have any in your build
If you need any more inspiration feel free too look into my skarner guide.
Good luck with improving your guide :D
I plopped in a Force of Nature. I hope that helps. Also, upvoted your Skarner guide.
Upvoted, somebody that actually wants to improve it deserves my vote.
Building HP on skarner is not optimal because you want to make the W shield as worth as possible thus meaning you shall concentrate on resistances, I sugest a MR item as you don't have any in your build
If you need any more inspiration feel free too look into my skarner guide.
Good luck with improving your guide :D
So I am first to review.
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Flat MR glyphs are not that good because early game you won't take magic damage because creeps deal physical damage. MR per level glyphs are much more indicated for a jungler.
You don't specify what your role is in a team as
Also I suggest getting
Also locket of the iron solari is just not a good item on
The guide is very short and you could go far more in depth. I won't upvote on this.
Thank you for the input, and keep in mind this is my first guide. I'll try to go more in depth on the role of Skarner that I put out for him in the Jungle. The overall goal of this guide was to shy away from that tank role and create a tanky, early ganking skarner that has reliable ganks, for the early game assured gold. Trust me, it works, and I'll write this up in the guide. You're right; I shouldn't get GA, perhaps a Warmog's? I hope I can get your Upvote sometime.
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Flat MR glyphs are not that good because early game you won't take magic damage because creeps deal physical damage. MR per level glyphs are much more indicated for a jungler.
You don't specify what your role is in a team as
Also I suggest getting
Also locket of the iron solari is just not a good item on
The guide is very short and you could go far more in depth. I won't upvote on this.