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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
His dodge is the most painful thing to go through with this build. The only jungler that can fight you early in your crystal. Unless you built tanky or are super fed, don't challenge him 1v1 in the late game.
The ability to overall increase your strength is a powerful one, especially when you're already shredding half the team alone.
The ability to overall increase your strength is a powerful one, especially when you're already shredding half the team alone.
Champion Build Guide
Don't Worry Guys, I Got This
Welcome to my Attack Speed Skarner Guide. I've been using this build for a while now, but the new Skarner buffs have reignited my love for it. In this guide you'll find how/why this build works, how to abuse it, and how to become a walking nuke.
- Shred anyone with a pulse, tanks, carries, and bruisers alike
- Very hard to invade
- Takes objectives insanely fast
- Insanely fast clear
- A lot of hard cc compared to other junglers
- Mobile/Fast Rotations
- God-tier sustain
- Can be kited if positioned badly
- Can only gank mid with setup
- Countered by dodges, blinds, and nearsight
- Squishy until core build finished
Lethal Tempo


Legend: Bloodline

The Trio of Debate
Yes, the bottom three runes of Precision. Take the one that fits the enemy comp.

Magical Footwear

Cosmic Insight

Core Items


Guinsoo's Rageblade

P - Crystal Spires
This passive makes rotating lanes and objectives insanely easy. You also will never run out of mana in jungle, so you can clear with no worries. If you see the enemy jungler, you can countergank or invade in 5 seconds flat. Remember to keep this capped before objects, and secure it in your own jungle.
Q - Crystal Slash
His bread and butter ability. If you didn't know, Skarner has a very short attack windup, and it's almost impossible to cancel his autos. Just spam to your hearts content.
W - Crystalline Exoskeleton
In regular Skarner gameplay, this shield is broken. In this build, it's a tool used to catch up or catch out enemies that can't keep up with the speed. In the late game, it's a buffer for your lifesteal to catch up. It also makes your build even safer. Make your shield work for you, not you work for your shield.
E - Fracture
It's a fast line skillshot that slows, doubles as a stun, and resets by using it. It makes clearing raptors, wolves, and krugs very fast and safe, and can end teamfights before they start if used right.
R - Impale
In a 1v1, it's a last resort tool used to get out a small bit of damage to hopefully kill your target. In a teamfight, it's used to get essential picks very easily, and drag the backline into your team.
Hush child.
All will be revealed soon.
First Clear
His standard clear is the same as any other jungler.
On Blue Team, go Red -> Raptors -> Wolves -> Blue -> Scuttle -> Gromp -> Back
On Red Team, go Blue -> Wolves -> Raptors -> Red -> Scuttle -> Gank (if possible) -> Back
The Early Levels
Your goal is to outscale the enemy through ganks and farm alike. Few top laners that are pushing in can escape your claws. You dominate scuttle all the time if you cap your crystal first, so just take it whenever you can. You can't really gank most AD midlaners, or super-ranged mages like Lux, Vel-Koz, Xerath, ect. until level 6, unless you have a Veigar or something similar to lock them down. Once you get your Bloodrazor, you can get the first drake under 15 seconds with no help.
Mid Game
Your goal now is to start as many duels as possible, preferably in crystal. Once you get your cores you can solo pretty much anyone and not even break a sweat. You can also now gank anyone past the midway point of a lane with your R. You can also invade any time you see the enemy jungler at the opposite side of the map. Cap the crystal before you do, as it makes getting out of there smoother.
I've Become Skarner, Destroyer of Worlds
Once you hit 5-6 items, you can now just blink and the full tank Nautilus is dead. It's honestly absurd how much damage you can put out. Play with your team, as it's very easy to get caught out by 3 people in this stage of the game. Play for objectives, and never split unless there's no other option.
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