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Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
Jungle Skarner giude wich will rock on Summoners Rift
Start at your blue buff and tell your team mates to pull the golem. Go finish the wolfes and run to wraith camp right away. After you finished the wraiths go to take your red buff and use smite for your last hit. When you lvl up to lvl 3 go gank top lane for the kill. You do this kinda jungling al the time.
The summoner spell Flash is in the guide because of utility and high mobility. You use Flash to get in range of your ulty to secure a kill.
The summoner spell Smite is taken because you are a jungler. With it you last hit monsters in the jungle: The Elder Lizard or The Ancient Golem. In the late you have smite for secouring Baron Nashor and Drag.
The summoner spell Smite is taken because you are a jungler. With it you last hit monsters in the jungle: The Elder Lizard or The Ancient Golem. In the late you have smite for secouring Baron Nashor and Drag.
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