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Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
The movement speed quintesses will you make you catch almost anyone with no dificulty,the armor penetrations marks are better then ad flat or per lvl cause you only have one spell that stacks with ad and it doesnt stack very much so armor pen will help you more,i choose seals and glyphs for armor and magic resist to make you more resistant to any kind of dmg.
Some players decide to go for hp regen instead of boots in the beggining, this is a choise on your early game wich is if youre going to gank sooner and later, philosphers and heart of gold will give the survive ability you need to do jungle and will also provide a lot of gold, go for mercs for more resistance to disables and buy oracle for clearing wards and ganking bot, force of nature will you make you able to towerdive in your ganks really well as it gives you 99 armor, helps you with your mana and also gives cooldown reduction by 20% on your abilities, next you should go for a force of nature wich will increase your mov speed and ofer a lot of magic resist and hp regen,next you should finnaly do a shurelyas for more mov speed so you can get a hold on the carrys on teamfights and provides more hp regen and max hp, next you should do a wits end for more dmg and atack speed wich really helps your passive, and finnaly ending your randuins for tons of armor.
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