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Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
I play Skarner as a solo top. So I take philosophers stone and heart of gold for income, health and regeneration. Then I take a Sheen because of the short of skarner abilities cooldown.
After the sheen I buy the heart of my build : The Guinsoo's Rageblade.
Ability power--> More damage
Attack speed --> More damage and Reduction of abilities cooldown with Skarner's passive.
The Shurelya's reverie allow Skarner to have a great engagement with Ghost and Crytalline Exoskeleton and pull a carry in your team with impale Very Very Very quickly.
I finish Trinity Force to improve my damage and then I buy Randuin's Omen and Banshee Veil To get Armor and Magic resist.
After the sheen I buy the heart of my build : The Guinsoo's Rageblade.
Ability power--> More damage
Attack speed --> More damage and Reduction of abilities cooldown with Skarner's passive.
The Shurelya's reverie allow Skarner to have a great engagement with Ghost and Crytalline Exoskeleton and pull a carry in your team with impale Very Very Very quickly.
I finish Trinity Force to improve my damage and then I buy Randuin's Omen and Banshee Veil To get Armor and Magic resist.
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