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Recommended Items
Runes: Arcane Comet build (Better early game)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Basic and safe spells order (Lvl 4 E)
Dragon Practice (PASSIVE)
Smolder Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Early game Twitch is not really threatening.
Late game feels terrible to play against since he can just run you down invisible then instakill you within a second with R.
Maokai is probably one of the best supports ATM so you can play safely and stack on minions + champions using Maokai's CC to hit W and AoE Q
Maokai is probably one of the best supports ATM so you can play safely and stack on minions + champions using Maokai's CC to hit W and AoE Q
Champion Build Guide
+25 stacks : You can stack farming by autoing minions and last hitting 3-3 melee and caster minions to rush your 125 and 225.
Should reach 25 stacks around 4-5 minutes
+125 stacks : you become a threatening poke champ with high range and good damage since you should have 2 full items. Stacking becomes faster at this point.
Should reach 125 stacks around 12-13 minutes
+225 stacks : Once you reach this threshold, the game is basically free if your team plays around you (you should reach this amount of stacks around 20-23 minutes if having a normal game)
At this point you're an extreme threat with 6% max health damage every Q with an execute on this same spell. Keep away from teamfights and don't get caught, you're the win condition of the game.
Should reach 225 stacks around 18-20 minutes
You could think that AFK farming and poking is the fastest way to stack but do not forget to follow your team during fights, hitting an enemy champion with an ability give a stack, with some Qs and Ws in a teamfight can easily get you 20 stacks early on.
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