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Lux Build Guide by BlueArtist

Middle Solo Mid Lux Guide: The Finales Funkeln! (Working)

Middle Solo Mid Lux Guide: The Finales Funkeln! (Working)

Updated on May 3, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BlueArtist Build Guide By BlueArtist 4 2 31,821 Views 10 Comments
4 2 31,821 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BlueArtist Lux Build Guide By BlueArtist Updated on May 3, 2013
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Hi guys, welcome to my Lux guide :) Yeah, so after my guide, Solo Top Rumble Guide: Scrapyard Barbecue, I loved making a guide and thus decided to make a new guide on Lux, The Finales Funkeln! Hope you visit my Rumble guide and give it a thumbs-up and also my Lux guide. This guide is still Under Construction, I accidentally published it and have no idea how to delete it. Please dont downvote it yet, I will add more stuff. In the meantime, look at my Rumble guide pleaseeee. Thanks!
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Why Lux

Lux, The Lady of Luminosity- Deadly laning phase, requires skill, burst damage can be ominous. A champion that can snipe low health enemies from far using Final Spark. The flaw in this champion is that she is paper and with few escape mechanisms. Mana hungry early, and relies on her Light Binding to initiate or escape. Skill shot based, once missed Lux will be vulnerable.

Although with those cons, Lux has poke tools, slowly wear down their health in team fights, and has ominous burst damage. Her Final Spark is good for poking and damaging many targets in team fights. Lux is a deadly champion, and the squishy part could be countered by getting health masteries or defensive items such as Liandry's Torment or Zhonya's Hourglass.

The next section would be Lux's abilities.
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+ Great Pokes
+Lots of CCs
+Long-ranged ult
+high burst
+Awesome creepy laugh

-Skill-shot based
-Prone to ganks
-Mana Hungry
-Long cooldowns for q,w,e
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Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

The Runes is quite simple to understand, as a standard AP champion.

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration:
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Laning Against...


Akali should be easy to lane against, taking in the weak Akali early game and the strong Lux early game. Building up an advantage against Akali early will significantly make it easier to play against her later on. Whenever Akali tries to Shadow Dance to you post-6, simply Light Binding her and do your combo to burst her down. She could only dash in a line so landing Light Binding is easy. Take in mind that the next basic attack or the next Crescent Slash Akali lands on you would do extra damage after she lands Mark of the Assassin, so do not get close to her after you get hit by Mark of the Assassin as Crescent Slash has a short range.


Take note of her stun, you will see a Guardian Angel like thing around her. Try not to hit her with her Molten Shield on. Keep a safe distance as her spells are pretty short ranged. Once Summon: Tibbers is up, you may want to Light Binding Annie and her bear as the latter is summoned. Makes sure you escape. It may be valuable to kill Tibbers. Annie is quite hard to lane against, maybe a Mercury's Treads is useful.

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-Changed seal to Seal of Mana Regeneration, thanks to otaku131 for pointing it out.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BlueArtist
BlueArtist Lux Guide
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Solo Mid Lux Guide: The Finales Funkeln! (Working)

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