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Ability Order
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
You should buy Ninja Tabi not at the end, you should do it after Philostone.
This guide is now in a state like an open beta and Comments are necessary to improve this guide.
I'm from Germany and I'm sorry for any language mistake.
It would be nice, if you comment and let me hear constructive criticism,so i can improve this guide.
This guide is not tested yet, but the values are great so I think you can try it.
One problem is, that I am not Level 30 yet and I have not so much IP to test it with all the runes and getting all 30 masteries.
You really should look if your enemies make more normal damage or more magical damage and deciding if you buy Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads.
I also decided using Atma's Impaler because you have to do some Damage with your autoattak.
You also may change the purcharse order if you think, you need damage before Armor and Magic Resist.
I gave Sona so much armor and magic resist preventing her from being killed easily.
I also decided using Atma's Impaler because you have to do some Damage with your autoattak.
You also may change the purcharse order if you think, you need damage before Armor and Magic Resist.
I gave Sona so much armor and magic resist preventing her from being killed easily.
Skill power
Look, here are the skill values, Sona with this Guide does (do not forget the magic penetration from Void Staff):
Q: 411 magic damage
W: 177,5 healing on yourself and a teammate
R: 534 damage
Now you may see, that your ult is not as good as your Q, so use your ult for forcing many enemies stop moving, it's good for escaping and prevent your enemies from escaping.
Skill using
With my build you can spam your skills after buying Chalice of Harmony, and there should be never a problem again after getting Philostone.
Try damaging enemie champions always then your Q is eady and the enemie is reachable.
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