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Sona Build Guide by Mowen

Sona - Faceroll Support

Sona - Faceroll Support

Updated on June 7, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mowen Build Guide By Mowen 671 87 2,921,971 Views 294 Comments
671 87 2,921,971 Views 294 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mowen Sona Build Guide By Mowen Updated on June 7, 2012
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Laggermeister (242) | September 14, 2012 11:05am
Mowen, if you get to reading this, you should check the coding on the Summoner Spells section. There's a duplicate of Clairvoyance, the wrong or extra one which seems to suggest that it should be Exhaust, but then there's already an Exhaust which I'm not sure what it should actually be.
WIshCookie | September 2, 2012 5:43am
FACEROLL SONA <3 Thanks for the build :D
Topetine | August 11, 2012 11:59am
love the guide, though i do some thing a little bit different

i buy boots of mobility, simply because i love being very mobile and because the ionian boots dont stack with the CD reduction of the kindlegem/shurelya and i take herald before shurelya, so i can get as much gold out of philosopher's stone as possible.
also i get aegis after shurelya and before omen, just cause i like giving my team buffs instead of having an item u have to use - if i need tenacity, i'd rather buy the miracle with the philosopher's stone and then buying another stone just to have mobility and tenacity and getting money again

but this guide helped me so much in getting into sona. <3 you have my upvote ^^
Etonio (1) | August 10, 2012 4:57pm
Well... I think its was good except for a few important mistakes. One you contradicted yourself in the beggining about exhaust and cv. You say grab Exhaust but everyelse it assumes you have cv. Also i feel your cheatsheet is unclear and needs work. I like the early aegis guide, because it is most supporty. But besides that i like the guide.
feiryasian123 (1) | August 10, 2012 4:14am
Why no Aegis?
Sither52 (3) | August 9, 2012 5:57pm
+1 love your guide played 2 times so far and never lost my lane and even got a couple kills :) not to mention heaps of assists
Zhi89 | August 5, 2012 7:41am
Did 2-3-23 with that build in ranked
thanks bro
WhitestAsian | July 19, 2012 8:29pm
Question! Why don't healers ever build ap? I get that you wanna get items then have actives or can help your team indirectly but I think being able to heal big chucks of health out help too instead of casting W 10 times to make a noticeable sliver on the tank.

It's not just your build, it's a lot of them I see not building ap.
Gandalf The Baws | July 5, 2012 3:50pm
sona suck ****, shi realy suck, hate sona so bad!. The onley good thing with sona is that she got big boobs.
Viola Orpheus (13) | June 28, 2012 11:40pm
This definitely helped me out when I was first starting out as Sona, and it still does to this day if I ever need to refresh my mind when I've been away from the game for a good bit.
Mychyl | June 26, 2012 10:58pm

While I agree (for the most part) with your logic, I ended up making a few tweaks that suit my playstyle better. This definitely got me going in the right direction, though, hence the upvote. ^^b
DarkVoidShadow (29) | June 25, 2012 1:00pm
So what does faceroll mean :P
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