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i buy boots of mobility, simply because i love being very mobile and because the ionian boots dont stack with the CD reduction of the kindlegem/shurelya and i take herald before shurelya, so i can get as much gold out of philosopher's stone as possible.
also i get aegis after shurelya and before omen, just cause i like giving my team buffs instead of having an item u have to use - if i need tenacity, i'd rather buy the miracle with the philosopher's stone and then buying another stone just to have mobility and tenacity and getting money again
but this guide helped me so much in getting into sona. <3 you have my upvote ^^
thanks bro
It's not just your build, it's a lot of them I see not building ap.
While I agree (for the most part) with your logic, I ended up making a few tweaks that suit my playstyle better. This definitely got me going in the right direction, though, hence the upvote. ^^b