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Sona Build Guide by 096Stalker

Sona, Supporting the Silent Strings

Sona, Supporting the Silent Strings

Updated on December 5, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 096Stalker Build Guide By 096Stalker 2,242 Views 0 Comments
2,242 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 096Stalker Sona Build Guide By 096Stalker Updated on December 5, 2013
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Sona is a great support and for good supporting ends in good games, I get sight wards in the early game to get a visual on the enemy if they are sitting in the brush. I don't put the sight wards down until 2 minutes into the game so the wards last until 5 minutes where you go and buy some more, the more wards you buy through the game the safer the lane will be because if you get ganked you can see that you are going to get ganked before it even happens. I usually have a ward in both brushes next to the wall at bottom lane and also having a ward up at the river brush. Sometimes when playing on the blue team i have a ward sitting in the tri brush at the back of dragon just in case of the enemy jungler decides to gank through there we can see it and move back towards the turrent. After the jungler sees that the AD Carry and support are moving back the jungler will realise that there is a ward in the brush and will go back to jungling. If you do not keep the wards in the brushes for most of the game the enemy jungler will come back and gank you, meaning that if you do not keep the wards up on the map you could lose your bottom lane turrent, could also be losing the match because you have not been keeping your wards placed. One thing you mush note wards only last for 3 minutes each. so every 3 minutes you need to place another ward down in the brushes. Support is a hard role to learn, and for people who can play the support role really good are the ones you have to be careful about. I play Sona the most because she doesn't need to waist her money on buying health potions because if she gets too low on health she can just use her W to get a good amount of health back. If you are getting chased by the enemy AD Carry, Support and Jungler as Sona you can use your speed buff to get away from the enemies faster (you can also slow your enemies by getting your passive up with your E on active with your passive you can turn around and attack the fastest enemy champion then run again, the enemy champion is then slowed.

Anyway guys this is my build guide to how to build Support Sona, and how to get from your enemies with no problem. Check back later for any more guides that I will be posting in the future.
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Popular Ward Locations

The Green dots on the screen represent the Sight Wards and the Pink dots on the screen represent the Vision Wards, remember to always buy your wards and to keep buying Orical's, If you are a good support you will only have to buy one Orical's Elixir per game. Sight Wards cost 75 gold and Vision Wards cost 125 gold, (yes they are expensive but they are worth it) keep buying your wards through the game so you can see the enemy where ever they go.
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Sona Champion Spotlight

Here is the Sona Champion Spotlight from Riot Games Inc.
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Sona's Lore

Sona has no memory of her true parents. As an infant, found abandoned on the doorstep of an Ionian adoption house, nestled atop an ancient instrument in an exquisite case of unknown origins. She was an unusually well-behaved child, always quiet and content. Her caretakers were sure she would find a home quickly, but it soon became apparent that what they mistook for uncommon geniality was actually an inability to speak or to produce any sound whatsoever. Sona remained at the adoption house until her teens, watching in hopeless silence as prospective adopters passed her by. During this time, the caretakers sold her unusual instrument to anxious collectors, hoping to build her a trust. For a myriad of bizarre and unexpected reasons, however, it would be returned, or simply appear again outside the house.

When a wealthy Demacian woman named Lestara Buvelle learned of the instrument, she immediately embarked to Ionia. When the caretakers showcased the instrument for her, she rose wordlessly and explored the house, stopping outside Sona’s room. Without hesitation, Lestara adopted her and left a generous donation for the instrument. With Lestara’s guidance, Sona discovered a deep connection with the instrument which Lestara called an "etwahl". In her hands, it played tones which stilled or quivered the hearts of those around her. Within months, she was headlining with the mysterious etwahl for sold-out audiences. She played as though plucking heartstrings, effortlessly manipulating the emotions of her listeners - all without a single written note. In secret, she discovered a potent and deadly use for her etwahl, using its vibrations to slice objects from a distance. She honed this discipline in private, mastering her gift. When she felt prepared, she went to the only place which could offer her a fitting recital: the League of Legends.

"Her melody moves the soul, her silence sunders the body."
― Jericho Swain, after attending her concert
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Sona Songs

From PlentaKill
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 096Stalker
096Stalker Sona Guide
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Sona, Supporting the Silent Strings

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