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Soraka Build Guide by mystydevil

Support Soraka Support ♥ (Emerald)

Support Soraka Support ♥ (Emerald)

Updated on September 8, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mystydevil Build Guide By mystydevil 1,982 Views 1 Comments
1,982 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author mystydevil Soraka Build Guide By mystydevil Updated on September 8, 2023
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Runes: My Normal Runes (against thresh/hook/dive)

1 2
Font of Life
Bone Plating

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Main (If adc doesnt use heal)
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Soraka Support ♥ (Emerald)

By mystydevil
Hey! Im Mystydevil.
I am not a high rank soraka but this is what works for me! (Emerald). This build is an all around good soraka build that has helped me rank up easily from lower ranks. Most of soraka in Lane is how you position and what you synergize with in Lane which is something that should be learned and not always told. I hope this build does well for you! <3

I stream sometimes at hope you enjoy!
In lane, against enchantress.. try to poke down the ADC while healing yourself and your ally (Keep in mind your Mana and Mana regen) to get yourself your support item upgrade. Vision is key against ganks and DONT always trust your ADC about fights if you feel weary about it. They might get mad at you, but, its not smart to die and not get kills because your ADC has ego.
Against Dive and Hook, It is the same except playing more carefully because you will need to be able to NOT die while still upgrading your items.

Basic Poke Combo

so forth :3

While in laning phase, you might have to ULT others. Please keep an eye out on your mini-map or/and your team mates health to see if an ult will help them win a fight. Your Soraka ults can make the difference in how your later game fights go because early kills are can be really good for early game characters that need to scale (Gwen, Eve, Yone ETC)
Level 2 is a good power spike AGAINST soraka for hook characters IF they didnt start the hook. Tresh, Blitzcrank, Nautalis all have really good level 2. This also includes Tristana, Draven and other i cant remember atm but keep in mind POSISTIONING as this is key to survive in lane. If you need to play back, do play back because you outscale these chatacters as long as YOU DONT DIE!

Roaming is a great idea if you think you can healp your jungler in the jungle when getting invaded/your midlane get a kill. IF your lane does not have prio and your jungler wants to get dragon, try your best to go and help (Your ADC would probably love the Solo EXP), but, dont give the enemy more kills than they should have by helping out dumb people lol
After laning phase
After laning phase:
Try to keep yourself protected while using your E (Silence) to focus down the main damage dealer, or peel for yourself using it. Its imperitive you use your redemption in fights as the heal/damage will not only boost your team with the items you get, but healing will be amazing to help your team :3

Play in the back lines to help your ADC/peel for them as well, all basic and general support things going on!
Thank you
Thank you for reading this (if you are here, hopefully you did) and if this build worked for you please give it a like and comment ANY changes you think i should make to this guide/build! thanks all :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author mystydevil
mystydevil Soraka Guide
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Soraka Support ♥ (Emerald)

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