LoL Best Soraka Support Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Soraka Support on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Soraka Support builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 11 Builds
[S11] GOAT (Support)
Season 10 Guides
[S10] WormMaW's guide for Soraka
[10.17] GODRAKA to gm!
World Best Soraka KR C1 GOONBAMGOD
[10.15] Sorakabro´s guide - how to carry as soraka
[10.15] Healies for Your Feelies! – a low elo Soraka guide
★ Soraka (10.15 Support) - For Beginners ★
[10.14] To heal and protect! In-Depth Soraka guide
S9 Challenger Guide to Soraka S10 :)
[10.10] [WIP] Jena Colada's In-Depth Guide to the Starchild
[10.7] Soraka; Queen of Carry (100k+ Points)
Heal your way to victory with Soraka
Soraka's Adventures in Babysitting
The cutest ambulance in Runaterra
Soraka The Ultimate Healer S10
Soraka ; To heal And Protect (40% CDR and Over healing)
Season 10 Builds