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Ability Order
Fleet of Foot (PASSIVE)
Sivir Passive Ability
Pros / Cons
Can hold her own in a lane
Goes fast
Tower killer
Great team and self utility
Drains mana fast (boomerang)
If not fast then dead
Low health
First I want to start of by saying that I am not the best player in LoL and I sort of like it that way. I also will NOT sit here and say you will like this built. This is a built in which I've been playing with Sivir and have found to work really well. As the title says, speed kills and you will notice it the longer the game goes on. In fact if done right u can be sitting at 2.500 attack speed. She makes quick work of any minion, turrent of champ (if done right). But one thing I will say is she can make up for a Yi not being on the team. And yes I say Yi because again if done right she can move just as fast as him, of course Yi might be faster lol. I wanna make it clear to use your own judgement. This is just a built not a bible. Some games will not go your way, some will. You would notice I didnt place wards in the built. Why? Because this is common sense. You will either have map awareness or you wont. You might be that person who buy wards, you may not. Each game is different but the basics to map awareness is the same. Look at the mini map and look. If u see someone gone or missing then ALWAYS assume they are mia (even if dead), most importantly, DONT OVER EXTEND THE LANE, if you do see this.
So you might be thinking. WTF is with the rune selection. Well its simple, you are going to be focusing only on speed items. So early game you wont have that Oh **** damage. The runes makes up for this. Again, your focus on this built is only speed items, the runes will make up for the lack of dmg. With 2 phantoms, starks and berzerker boots plus ulti, your speed will be covered. Then you can focus on dmg items.
I choose 21/0/9 for the same reasons as masteries. You want to go fast and hit hard all at the same time. You will also meed tp say within level so i picked up awareness, and sivir burns mana faster then u can say hi. the mana regen helps her say with mana lol. Thats why I start with meki pendant. The mana regen makes ricochet never kill ur mana. You can pretty much keep it on all day and hit minions and you will never run out of mana.
So they items is pretty straight forward. Again, until late game, your focus will be Attack Speed and Movement Speed. You get both in Phantom dancers and boots. You get both Attack Speed from phantom dancers and Starks. Late game you wanna move to damage items to increase the damage you're doing. Your choice of items can be whatever the game calls for.
I level up ricochet first because it cost the less mana and its your best pusher by far. Its also a great harassing tool. Why. Well, Boomerang cost a **** ton of mana at any level, its also a skill shot that CAN be dodged. Ricochet can not be dodge. its pretty much a long range auto attack. When I say dodge I dont mean a proc dodge. I mean the other player actually moving from the attack. If u miss u lost aalot of mana for no reason. And early game it doesnt do enough dmg for the cost of mana. Also Spell shield doesnt work on AoE attack. Idk why, it just doesnt. But attacks like MF's Double shot, Signed's Throw, Ashe Arrow ulti, etc, etc. These attacks and be absorb. Of course you get utli when u can get it, but its how u ise her ulti that will either kill something fast, save a life or destory towers. Speed combine with her ulti is what makes her dangerous.
I choose flash/heal because I love flash. Heal is more for early game just in case you get a burst team u might fast against. Teleport, Exhaust, clairvoyance and ghost is all great, but you wont need ghost because this built will make you un catchable, even more with ulti on. Rally is also good to but I dont use it but the extra brust never hurts.
I believe she should be in all team fights just because of her ulti giving out the attack speed boost. If your team if full of AD champs, beleive me when I say they will thank you by showing kills for u. Work with ur teammates to take towers down with your ulti. As soon as u hit level 6. if u duo lane and kill the other team on your lane. i would put money on it that you will take there tower down before they get back, unless they have teleport lol.
In a nutshell, the built is being run by her ulti. Her ulti gives Attack Speed and run speed so I build around that. She can take out towers as fast as Yi and if a Yi is on ur team, just laugh at the simple fact that there will be alot of towers going down very fast. You dont have to be the most beefiest champ, no you got speed on your side. One attack from them is 5 from u, remember that. Your damage is your speed, your speed is your advantage, your advantage is the teams gain and the teams gain is a team win. Use your judgemetn people. Understand your lane, dont just run into a fight just because ur fast. Wait until the time is right and then whoop some tail.
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