Build Guide by Egotistical Bad
Split-Pusher Draven Top [ 1.3 Million Mastery Draven Guide ] Still Equally as Good in Current Patch

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Recommended Items
Runes: Bruiser Draven Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Top-Lane Kingdom
Ability Order Basic Draven Skill Order
League of Draven (PASSIVE)
Draven Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
What's scarier than looking at yourself from the other side of the parallel universe.
She's good on everything.
Even you! Imagine!
She's good on everything. Even you! Imagine!
Champion Build Guide
Pros and Cons of this Build
Why do we go for this build?
is just Fun as hell on Top-lane.
Champion is comfortable to play due to his Mobility and high early Damage.
You get alot of situations where you can win a 1v2 with
Draven due to amount of Damage you can dash out with
early game.
Your kitting capabilities are insane due to
which gives you nice rush of Movement Speed and Attackspeed. It also helps you Push due to Attackspeed combined with
Hullbreaker Rush.
is a great kiting and attacking tool as well. You can use it to disengage fights by simply pushing the enemies or their cancelling their abilities with it. You can also use it to force some Damage or kills in the laning phase due to it's slow.
is a great item. It gives you AD,HP,Armor,Magic Resist and Bonus 20% Damage to Towers + Siege Minion. With it you can take down Towers super fast.
is the Rune for you cause of Health stacking which helps you get higher Damage on
. It also provides Nice Poking Damage entire laning phase.
This build also Allows your
to Stack up a massive execute if you are left unchecked. Since the update for
your ultimate can suprise your enemies beyond belief when you cut off half of their Health with it instantly.

Champion is comfortable to play due to his Mobility and high early Damage.
You get alot of situations where you can win a 1v2 with

Your kitting capabilities are insane due to


This build also Allows your

Start of Laning Phase and Consumables

Elixing of Iron for CC-Heavy Teams and

Choice of Boots
Boots are picked based on Match-up and Enemy Team as a whole.
for Basic Attacking Top Laners if necessary to buy only for them, also good into alot of Basic-Attackers.
when needed for Tenacity vs CC-Heavy Team.
are here only if you are Overly Confident that you can roll the Game on your Shoulders. Do not buy generally.

First Back - If Going Well
First Back - If not going well, getting babysat or poked out
First 3 Items Generally

First 3 Items if Enemy has too much Armor
Additional Choices for Third Item Depending on Enemy Comp

Full Build Example

This is what your build should usually look like. This will tare down towers in Seconds. It feels nice with Damage as well being able to 3-4 Shot enemy ADC easily if you catch em off-guard. It provides bit of everything but most of all Damage for your

Runes Additional Choices

That would be it folks!
This was my rundown on my
Draven Build for Toplane.
I really do hope you enjoy it and learn with my In-Depth Guide explaning every Little Pixel of the Build and way it's Played.

I really do hope you enjoy it and learn with my In-Depth Guide explaning every Little Pixel of the Build and way it's Played.
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