This build is meant to be as fast as possible. With it you will be able to preform lightning strikes dealing massive amounts of damage in short amounts of time. Enemies with lower health (such as mages) can be killed in a matter of a few seconds. While he is not as useful in a teamfight situation in this form, he can easily gank and kill 2-3 enemy targets without too much hastle. majour weakness is being caught out in the open by more than 1 ranged character as he will loose health very quickly. Use bushes to ambush enemies, always strike the first blow. He is most effective while attacking a character as his lifesteal is 39%, meaning (before armour) he will regain 121 health with every hit, and he hits more than twice a second. this makes him increadibly hard to kill once he is hitting a target, and his increased movement speed after hitting means he will almost always keep up with the enemy. Add that to the fact he can use Shroud of darkness to block spells that would stun or snare him, and he become a leathal killing machine. Flash allows him to stay in pace with enemies that successfully stun him and teleport allows him to quickly move to any lane to either get out of a tight spot from bushes or quickly get to a large crowd of minions before they can destroy you're turrets, and kill all of them in about 3 seconds with Ravenous Hydra and Stattik Shiv.
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