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Support 101 - A Comprehensive Guide

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Yeah, really nice guide here. But something went wrong.
However the things that I like in the guide
Anyway you could take this guide off Mobafire unless you are going to update it. -1
Oh my god, why would people still find this??? O.o, he is not active already and how'd people still find this????? O.o This is "Season 2" O.o
However the things that I like in the guide
Anyway you could take this guide off Mobafire unless you are going to update it. -1
Just a coding error I noticed. Otherwise though, great guide! I generally play Soraka when I'm supporting, or either Lux or Janna if I feel like a change. Knowing the different types of supports really helped, though! I'll be sure to recommend this to people who want to play supports, and thank you for taking your time to write it! You've mentioned in a few other places that you're going to update this guide for the new season, which is great. Might I suggest perhaps giving a few items/runes/masteries that would work well for each general type of support and why? For example, I see Boots of Mobility in a lot of poke support guides, to enable them to get in and out of combat faster. Thanks again for writing the guide, and I look forward to seeing the promised updates!
Also, TF to borderline support XD
I frequently support as Kayle - heal + speed buff, slow, big damage, invulnerability :)
He has a very powerful level 1 if you start with
Overall, he's not too viable in high elo, but he is very fun as a support. He works well with Ashe, Ezreal, and MF (trapping them in their ult or
I've only done this like 8-10 times, but I've been playing Rengar since the day he came out. It doesn't work as well as other supports, but it leads to some very fun teamfights. Want a trollpick support? Go Malphite.