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Support Support 101 - A Comprehensive Guide

Support Support 101 - A Comprehensive Guide

Updated on September 21, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Laggermeister Build Guide By Laggermeister 111 80 87,918 Views 87 Comments
111 80 87,918 Views 87 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Laggermeister Build Guide By Laggermeister Updated on September 21, 2012
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Eternal Mane | April 9, 2015 3:40pm
Ok this is pretty good and all but needs to be updated for new support champs and new starting items. Im pretty sure Kayle was still around back then and she is in fact a support although she can be played elsewhere. Perhaps a bit about roaming also?
EdisonKhoo (74) | January 18, 2014 7:43pm

Yeah, really nice guide here. But something went wrong.
  • What would I d o w i t h my eyes anyway?
  • Ah, the memes that just don't fit.
  • So much failed coding

However the things that I like in the guide
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
point taken?
Anyway you could take this guide off Mobafire unless you are going to update it. -1

Oh my god, why would people still find this??? O.o, he is not active already and how'd people still find this????? O.o This is "Season 2" O.o
Herkkuparila | January 18, 2014 7:19pm
Yeah, really nice guide here. But something went wrong.
  • What would I d o w i t h my eyes anyway?
  • Ah, the memes that just don't fit.
  • So much failed coding

However the things that I like in the guide
  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
point taken?
Anyway you could take this guide off Mobafire unless you are going to update it. -1
quixoticSorceress | October 26, 2013 6:33pm
"Note that these archetypes are not absolute - a support can easily be more than one type, e.g. Taric, who is primarily a kill lane support but also has sustain[/b]."

Just a coding error I noticed. Otherwise though, great guide! I generally play Soraka when I'm supporting, or either Lux or Janna if I feel like a change. Knowing the different types of supports really helped, though! I'll be sure to recommend this to people who want to play supports, and thank you for taking your time to write it! You've mentioned in a few other places that you're going to update this guide for the new season, which is great. Might I suggest perhaps giving a few items/runes/masteries that would work well for each general type of support and why? For example, I see Boots of Mobility in a lot of poke support guides, to enable them to get in and out of combat faster. Thanks again for writing the guide, and I look forward to seeing the promised updates!
YeaISupport (30) | August 11, 2013 2:17pm
If you are updating this, add Zyra as one of the supports, and Fiddlestick to viable support :)

Also, TF to borderline support XD
Flowstylex (34) | August 2, 2013 10:01am
"Leona is good with" is missing Ezreal, -1
Invite Him (4) | July 5, 2013 3:33am
You should update this :P Still a +1 though :D
Pietrak | June 16, 2013 1:28am
Good guide, but what about Kayle?

I frequently support as Kayle - heal + speed buff, slow, big damage, invulnerability :)
Arenor (8) | June 13, 2013 11:32pm
Awesome guide, agreed with pretty much everything. I dont know if you still update this, but some things have changed. Ezreal with Nunu & Willump is one of the most played matchups nowadays. Thresh has come into play, I dont know what he is, he can poke, kill, shield, pull the enemy, pull his own carry, massive slow, and great cc. Thresh is ****ed up dude, youve got to add him
JPlayah (1) | June 2, 2013 11:13pm
Any chance you could discuss Kayle in the non-meta section?
Zunee27 (1) | May 1, 2013 8:12am
Support Rengar is pretty curious. I wouldn't call it viable at all, but when you see that they have a troll team (Sona+Soraka on the same team) it can work pretty well. His Bola Strike is a great cc because of the starting 50% slow, 60 damage, and the ridiculous AD scaling it has. A Rengar with AD Marks alone, and a 9/0/21 page, starts off at 100 damage with the bola. His Battle Roar can steal farm, but if you're careful and hit the wave early it will give you the necessary stack while not risking any stolen farm. His Savagery is your main ability for supporting, actually. If you can brush camp (which means going against those few supports that don't) then you can harass extremely well.

He has a very powerful level 1 if you start with Bola Strike, and it scales well. Going EQEW means you won't have the full burst until level 4, but it gives you 2 points in a very strong CC, and a steroid/poke that can definitely land. If you need to maintain brush cover by killing a support, then do it. He outkills non-tank supports.

His Thrill of the Hunt is kinda tricky as a support. If your adc has a kill pre-6 and you farmed really well while they were out of lane, then you should be able to itemize fairly decently. After level 6 this comes in handy when you start counter-ganking. Good ward coverage makes Rengar fun since you can turn invisible, run up to meet the gank your ward just spotted, then pick up an easy kill off of the surprise factor. The ult also helps pick up kills that your adc might let go. Imagine an Ashe arrow that leaves the enemy adc at <100 life. You run in, pop Thrill, throw your Bola, then jump back to a minion to get out.

Overall, he's not too viable in high elo, but he is very fun as a support. He works well with Ashe, Ezreal, and MF (trapping them in their ult or Volley/ Make it Rain/Ezreal's W) and poorly against Taric, Nunu, Leona, and Sona. He works well against Vayne, Varus, Graves, Draven, Soraka, and Lulu. Tanks can shut him down pretty easily because of his inability to itemize as a support. However, positioning based champs are thrown off by his Bola Strike and his mobility in the brush. Slowing a Varus while they're pursuing to fire an arrow, or slowing a Draven trying to catch axes, can spell the end for that lane.

I've only done this like 8-10 times, but I've been playing Rengar since the day he came out. It doesn't work as well as other supports, but it leads to some very fun teamfights. Want a trollpick support? Go Malphite.
DobahK11n (1) | March 4, 2013 7:45am
META: bot lane ad (ranged carry) +support YOU DO AWESOME man
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