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Smoke Ashesh everyday
I wrote this guide for all of you bronze guys who like to be where they and want to be sure never to get to further divisions by any chance.
So the first thing about this guide is that if you are gonna play with this build you HAVE to get Weed Ashe skin (the picture should be around here somewhere) and be high when you play it, otherwise you might win.
So as starting item you get ancient coin and 3 potions. until you go back the first time be sure to use your W every chance you get to harassa and slow. If you get the support in your kiting reng turn on your q and hit him until your adc comes and gets dunked by the enemy one because you cant ****ing help him in anyway.
Rush Swiftness because you dont ****ing have mobility and you wanna run away from lane when **** gets worse.
Get a sightstone before closing Talisman and start building Morello after it, because you need both the mana regen, the cdr and the grevious wounds **** (You dont but you dont wanna win sooooo...).
As soon as you get morello your W will have like 4 secs cd and you will be able to spam it during teamfights. Be sure to use your ult as well everytime you have it or hit people with Q so that other ******s in the other team so that you might get hit by some other ******.
2 Warmogs as last items to be sure you dont get too useful lategame by building resistances.
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