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Bard doesn't out-range you, but he has the same (or more) movement speed as you with his chimes, making your Q's less likely to hit. Avoid his Q's and actively position out of his Q range.
My goto ban. In an even match-up, Blitz Q's ruin Cho'Gath's lane phase if he lands it. When Blitz misses Q, you have 2-3 opportunities to Q and pressure him or the ADC.
If Braum attempts to engage, you can stop either him or the ADC with your Q. Poke their bot lane from a safe distance until you can kill them.
Your Q out-ranges Annie. Stay near max-range of your Q and beware post-level 6. She's similar to an engage champion with lots of damage at any time.
Take caution in her E (Charm - a pink skill shot ability) and post-level 6.
Brand W has a similar range to Cho'Gath but slightly less (by 50). Land Q's on him and predict where he W's.
Alistar should have the advantage when he's in range for his W-Q combo. Stay in max-range of your Q and lookout for the jungler/mid laner.
Avoid Elise's E and stay within your Q range.
Watch out for Galio E, which is about your W size. Otherwise, stay at your Q range.
A majority of your Q's would shift to the enemy ADC when Janna gets her boots. Attempt to Q she's overextending.
Similar to Alistar, stay away from her engages and you should be fine (e.g., E-Q or R). At level 6, she has the advantage when her ultimate is up.
You have the advantage until Malphite hits 6, which is similar to Leona.
LeBlank can dodge Q's with her W, but it leaves another chance for one more Q to land. You can silence her to prevent her W if she cannot react.
Nautilus is the team version for Blitzcrank except he has a slower hook. Stay in a poking range until you can kill them or until lane phase is over.
Avoid walls and stay in a poking range.
Poke him or the ADC until level 6. Be wary of his ultimate or engages. Otherwise, you out-range him.
Poking against a Senna is likely to end up in a trade in her favor with her Glacial Augment and W. Attempt to safely poke with Q (e.g., not next to minions or next to a wall) as you have slight advantage in damage.
Avoid his Q's. If you're hooked, burst him or the ADC with Q and W.
Stay in poking range and be mindful of her long-range E. Zyra's Q is less than your Q range. Post-level 6 lets her have a slight advantage, but she must use Flash to be in range.
Avoid his bombs. Use Q when he attempts to speed up towards you (if you're sure the jungler isn't near).
It's a 2v1. When you're level 6. your damage exceeds Yuumi's healing. Avoid her Q's with minions).
Vel'Koz's abilities are slow, but they out-range your Q. Avoid his abilities and poke him down.
Any amount of Q's deals 40% of Sona's HP away. Stay within max-range of your Q and know your damage output to kill her.
Other than Soraka's E, you out-range her with Q. Focus on her when she's in range of W/Ignite/R.
Taric's major threat is his E or Flash-E. Otherwise, poke.
Another hook champion. As a mix between Blitzcrank and Nautilus, avoid his Q's and poke/pressure when possible.
It's typical for a Sett to W when he is low enough. W beforehand so he doesn't gain an extra life bar. Additionally, stay away from your minions and Sett to avoid his E.
Similar to Bard/Janna, Nami could easily avoid your Q's from her passive. Trade her W's with your Q and avoid her bubble/auto range.
If Xerath is not in Q range, focus on his ADC and try to avoid his abilities in a motion perpendicular to Xerath or run away.
Avoid Taliyah's Q and W if she's in range. Stay max-range of your Q.
Predict where she would land her Q and attempt to poke/trade her or the ADC.
Lulu's shield (E) almost nullifies your Q damage. Keep poking/pressuring the enemy bot lane as you have a slight advantage.
Avoid melee range or your W range with him and you should have the advantage.
Karma's empowered Q has a slightly larger range than your Q, but that happens every 30 or so seconds. Avoid continuous trades with her and poke from a safe 6-feet distance.
If she's near an enemy unit, she will dodge your Q. Catch her when she isn't near minions/enemies with GLP-800 and/or Q.
Anytime Varus slows or uses his ultimate ensures a kill or a forced recall.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune slows can ensure a Q landing, leading to a good trade or kill.
Ashe slows from a good range with W. Cho'Gath could land more Q's with a slow or an almost guaranteed stun (from Ashe ultimate).
Caitlyn can root the enemy with W when Cho'Gath Q's, allowing more damage with this synergy.
Depending on the Ezreal's skill shots, Cho'Gath ensures his damage with a Q.
A chain of damage follows Jhin's W or Cho'Gath's Q when it successfully lands, which leads into more kills.
Cho'Gath can set up Draven with a Q or a non-executing R, allowing a massive snowball lead.
Tristana can follow on Cho'Gath Q's with her W and E, which is somewhat of a synergy. If the bot lane match-up is favored towards Cho'Gath, it would heavily snowball with Tristana's ability to dive low-health enemies.
Similar to an ADC without crowd control, Vayne follows or sets up Cho'Gath Q's.
With a slow and long-range stun, Syndra compliments Cho'Gath well in burst damage and DPS.
Ziggs follows up on Cho'Gath Q's. Nothing else compliments Cho'Gath since Ziggs' W/E is avoidable (against conscious players).
Cho'Gath mainly compliments Taliyah by setting her W and E up.
AD/AP Kennen allows a guaranteed Cho'Gath Q when he sets up his stun.
Cho'Gath mainly sets up Twitch for him to deal damage. Twitch's W is not a strong slow while he needs to auto-attack a couple of times for his E.
Xayah can set-up Cho'Gath with her E's root while being self-sufficient (i.e., could avoid deaths) with her R.
Lucian adds more damage to Cho'Gath's Q. Nothing can compliment Cho other than a Bilgewater Cutlass, which infers Lucian to engage first.
Kai'Sa is another ADC without any crowd control. There's not much compatibility other than damage.
Jinx can follow Cho'Gath's Q with her E, which ensures a beneficial trade or escape.
Aphelios's root from Gravitum guarantees a Cho'Gath Q, allowing more damage transactions.
Anything with a knock-up compliments Yasuo as it enables his DPS.
Just let him feed (or kill) when he presses R.
Anytime Varus slows or uses his ultimate ensures a kill or a forced recall.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune slows can ensure a Q landing, leading to a good trade or kill.
Ashe slows from a good range with W. Cho'Gath could land more Q's with a slow or an almost guaranteed stun (from Ashe ultimate).
Caitlyn can root the enemy with W when Cho'Gath Q's, allowing more damage with this synergy.
Depending on the Ezreal's skill shots, Cho'Gath ensures his damage with a Q.
A chain of damage follows Jhin's W or Cho'Gath's Q when it successfully lands, which leads into more kills.
Cho'Gath can set up Draven with a Q or a non-executing R, allowing a massive snowball lead.
Tristana can follow on Cho'Gath Q's with her W and E, which is somewhat of a synergy. If the bot lane match-up is favored towards Cho'Gath, it would heavily snowball with Tristana's ability to dive low-health enemies.
Similar to an ADC without crowd control, Vayne follows or sets up Cho'Gath Q's.
With a slow and long-range stun, Syndra compliments Cho'Gath well in burst damage and DPS.
Ziggs follows up on Cho'Gath Q's. Nothing else compliments Cho'Gath since Ziggs' W/E is avoidable (against conscious players).
Cho'Gath mainly compliments Taliyah by setting her W and E up.
AD/AP Kennen allows a guaranteed Cho'Gath Q when he sets up his stun.
Cho'Gath mainly sets up Twitch for him to deal damage. Twitch's W is not a strong slow while he needs to auto-attack a couple of times for his E.
Xayah can set-up Cho'Gath with her E's root while being self-sufficient (i.e., could avoid deaths) with her R.
Lucian adds more damage to Cho'Gath's Q. Nothing can compliment Cho other than a Bilgewater Cutlass, which infers Lucian to engage first.
Kai'Sa is another ADC without any crowd control. There's not much compatibility other than damage.
Jinx can follow Cho'Gath's Q with her E, which ensures a beneficial trade or escape.
Aphelios's root from Gravitum guarantees a Cho'Gath Q, allowing more damage transactions.
Anything with a knock-up compliments Yasuo as it enables his DPS.
Just let him feed (or kill) when he presses R.
Bard doesn't out-range you, but he has the same (or more) movement speed as you with his chimes, making your Q's less likely to hit. Avoid his Q's and actively position out of his Q range.
Support Cho'Gath Highlights
My goto ban. In an even match-up, Blitz Q's ruin Cho'Gath's lane phase if he lands it. When Blitz misses Q, you have 2-3 opportunities to Q and pressure the him or the ADC.
Pros / Cons
If Braum attempts to engage, you can stop either him or the ADC with your Q. Poke their bot lane from a safe distance until you can kill them.
Your Q out-ranges Annie. Stay near max-range of your Q and beware post-level 6. She's similar to an engage champion with lots of damage at any time.
Take caution in her E (Charm - a pink skill shot ability) and post-level 6.
Summoner Spells
Brand W has a similar range to Cho'Gath but slightly less (by 50). Land Q's on him and predict where he W's.
Alistar should have the advantage when he's in range for his W-Q combo. Stay in max-range of your Q and lookout for the jungler/mid laner.
Lane Phase / Early Game
Avoid Elise's E and stay within your Q range.
Mid / Late Game
Watch out for Galio E, which is about your W size. Otherwise, stay at your Q range.
Support Tips
A majority of your Q's would shift to the enemy ADC when Janna gets her boots. Attempt to Q she's overextending.
Movement Speed
Similar to Alistar, stay away from her engages and you should be fine (e.g., E-Q or R). At level 6, she has the advantage when her ultimate is up.
You have the advantage until Malphite hits 6, which is similar to Leona.
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