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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Skills
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This dipsh*t heals up all the damage you do to him, because apparently thats ok.
Good waveclear, and can combo 4th shot with your W-E combo to one shot enemies very early on.
Good waveclear, and can combo 4th shot with your W-E combo to one shot enemies very early on.
Champion Build Guide
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Support Ezreal lets you output a disgusting amount of damage without having to cs. It works particularly well with adcarries that have high waveclear. Gold income comes from Spellthief's Edge, First Strike and poking the enemy under their turret so you can get tower plating, chunking the tower with W auto. This will result in high damage to the tower as Riot decided a few seasons ago that AP should melt towers for some reason. After you have Ludens you can start cyberbullying the **** out of everyone on the map. However you are still squish, so don't do anything too dumbo. |
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W: This is where the damage lies. It eats mana up, but thanks to biscuits and mana sustain isn't too bad. This is your predominant poke damage. |
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R - Ult does high damage with AP scaling, and if you hit your R onto a W target? Thoughts & Prayers for them because you will blow them up. |
You can quite easily top the damage charts for the whole game, due to your large income from

In lane, use the side bush to your advantage, buy control wards/use sweeper to ensure they don't get vision of you so you can hit W-Q easier. W-E will do obscene amounts of damage, but as stated earlier only use it if you are safe. W-R from bush followed by E & Q can even one shot a squishy from full HP. This was easier with old Ezreal, but is still possible on new Ezreal.
Not much else to say, stay well away from Nautilus. Blitz is fine as you can Arcane Shift out of his hook. You can poke Thresh out through the minion wave, however if you do get hit by his hook full combo you will most likely die. Brand damage will just end up killing you so just avoid this matchup.
Have Fun and happy Nuking!
- Caesium
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