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Leona Build Guide by CounterSnipe

Support Support Leona Season 3

Support Support Leona Season 3

Updated on June 24, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CounterSnipe Build Guide By CounterSnipe 15 2 172,028 Views 35 Comments
15 2 172,028 Views 35 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CounterSnipe Leona Build Guide By CounterSnipe Updated on June 24, 2013
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SweetAdi | June 12, 2013 1:05pm
Voted -1
Leona need Resist ...
CounterSnipe (10) | June 9, 2013 11:23pm
IAmByakuya wrote:

Nice guide, shes my favorite support/tank but get W till lvl 3 :P

Yeah idk why thats like that. I have to re do this entire guide because 90% of it is wrong now and probably won't be all that effective in a real game. I'll get to it eventually.

I think I picked W at lvl 2 because most people would probably just get into trouble doing E>Q at lvl 2 for first blood in low elo. I'll have to re think this when I have time. I mean, I can't count the number of times an adc has sat back and watched me initiate at lvl 2 while they farm.

Once new jungle changes come out I'll fix this guide. The new creeps spawining at 1:55 for all camps will change how early bot lane functions for sure.
CounterSnipe (10) | June 9, 2013 11:14pm
Arenor wrote:

Good guide. i agree with most of it, however it is noticable that leona is not so durable early on, especially once you use her shield. got anything to counter that? also cooldown reduction? at 40% her ultimate takes 35 seconds, not worth it?

I'm probably going to have to re do this whole guide because of how I changed my playstyle with this champion, but i'll do my best to answer questions.

1) Leona's the most durable support laner early game with her shield on. Nobody gets more stats than her. When you're not engaging try not to take free damage from your opponents. And a cool trick is to use Zenith Blade first in her skill order instead of charging up W. If you land ur E then activate W. If you activate w but miss E then the enemy will exploit you.

2) CDR is ok on leona, but she's so all in that it won't help her if she's not tanky. A 35 second ult is pretty useless late game. I mean just consider the time. It takes teams about just as long as leona's normal ult CD to go from base, roam around the map, and engage in a team fight. You will always have your ult up late game for a team fight. The only thing more CDR would be good for is procing your Q,W,E abilities more often. Having sustain is more important than CDR on any support/tank in the game.
IAmByakuya (82) | May 29, 2013 11:03am
Voted +1
Nice guide, shes my favorite support/tank but get W till lvl 3 :P
Arenor (8) | May 29, 2013 10:50am
Voted +1
Good guide. i agree with most of it, however it is noticable that leona is not so durable early on, especially once you use her shield. got anything to counter that? also cooldown reduction? at 40% her ultimate takes 35 seconds, not worth it?
Arenor (8) | May 29, 2013 10:50am
Good guide. i agree with most of it, however it is noticable that leona is not so durable early on, especially once you use her shield. got anything to counter that? also cooldown reduction? at 40% her ultimate takes 35 seconds, not worth it?
Vynertje (386) | May 18, 2013 6:14am
Voted -1
W second.
littleboat72 | April 29, 2013 3:23pm
Voted +1
Very great tips and tactics beyond just the build.
CounterSnipe (10) | March 12, 2013 3:04am
Hey, ty for the up votes guys. I'll update the masteries.
Summonauta | March 8, 2013 9:15am
Voted +1
TheRealJoke123 | March 6, 2013 4:17am
Voted +1
btw -> le vote
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