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Ability Order
Clockwork Windup (PASSIVE)
Orianna Passive Ability

Her unique quirk is, of course, the ball. It's totally awesome for scouting- I'll get into the details later. You may think that I'm exaggerating when I talk about "Great CC", since she seems to only have a slow besides her ultimate, but dont forget that
Command: Dissonance has a build in AOE-Speedbuff. That's really ****ing useful and totally beats Sonas ****ty speedbuff. Her shield can be a little tricky, and requires practice, but offers some Armor and Magic Resistance. Now her main disadvantages are her bad harass- actually, it is possible to play agressively with
Command: Attack, but that leaves your carry open for counter-harass and drains lots of delicious mana.
So, is she viable? I wouldnt consider her on par with the traditional top picks, but **** that. She's fun and definitely worth playing if you aren't betting your soul on the game. That said, her kit is kinda like that of a weaker
Janna, so she doesn't fill a niche like
Nidalee, which works as support because of her awesome poke. Just try her in some normals, and decide for yourself.
Ball can be used to scout
Great CC
Shield and Armor/Magic-Resistance-Buff
No Heal
Bad poke/harass
Requires some practice
Her unique quirk is, of course, the ball. It's totally awesome for scouting- I'll get into the details later. You may think that I'm exaggerating when I talk about "Great CC", since she seems to only have a slow besides her ultimate, but dont forget that

So, is she viable? I wouldnt consider her on par with the traditional top picks, but **** that. She's fun and definitely worth playing if you aren't betting your soul on the game. That said, her kit is kinda like that of a weaker

Don't underestimate the damage it adds to your normal attacks! Since you can't really harass with your ball, do it with standard attacks.

Get a feeling for the time the ball needs to travel. It will make the difference between a lost and a won teamfight, since you can only influence the area close to the ball. Also, use it to scout, whenever you can. It might save your life.

Aww, **** yeah. It's a speedbuff and a slow. In the same ******* spell. Isn't that awesome? Use it on yourself, if you want to get somewhere quickly, use it on your lanemate, if he needs to escape a gank, use it on your tank, if he wants to engage. Always remember, that the area stays for a while, so position it in the way of as many teammates or enemies as possible. If you shielded someone with

Always keep the ball on your AD-Carry while laning, except for scouting. The shield pops up when the ball reached the target, which means that you can only effectively protect it from burst if the ball is close. This means, that you cant really harass with your ball, like I said before. The shield, however, persists even if you move the ball after it reached its target, so throw it in the enemies face after shielding your carry. Gives a nice Armor/Magic-Resistance-Buff as well.

Did someone say great CC? This ultimate wins teamfights. This, again, is a skill that needs some practice. Not only do you need to predict the movement of the enemy, but you also might end up pushing the enemy in the direction of your injured carry. This is, while funny, not the wanted result. So yeah, get a feeling for this strange spell. Also, use it in combination with

The first point goes into

I choose life over Magic Penetration because

Stamdard support stuff. Since

If your team is balanced, I recommend to get a

Alternatively, if your AD-Carry is getting Pentakills, go for a

Don't forget to buy sight wards,

Don't take creeps if your AD-Carry is on the lane, you're support after all. Use your ball to scout suspicious brushes, otherwise keep it near your carry, because- I already said that, three times. Not gonna do that again. Harass the enemy with
Clockwork Windup, like a bauws. Don't forget to buy wards, so you can laugh at the pathetical attempts at ganking from the enemy jungler. Generally, you're better at defending your carry, than harassing the enemies. So don't get cocky, and only harass if your lanemate doesn't need the shield- which allows you to eat some counter-harass. Also, if some annoying enemy sets up his camp in some brush, just keep the ball there. They will think about their positioning twice after your AD-Carry raped their ****.
Command: Dissonance in front of your team if they initiate. Priority target for your shield is the AD-Carry, then the AP-Carry. If you haven't wasted your ultimate yet, you. Then the rest of your team. Use
Command: Shockwave in the first 5 seconds after the engage and try to throw their carries together, so that your AP-carry can burst them down. If that doesn't work, wait and try to hit the AD-carry and as much enemys as possible.
Support Duties
Don't forget to ward, and remember the respawn times for Dragon/Baron.
Don't take creeps if your AD-Carry is on the lane, you're support after all. Use your ball to scout suspicious brushes, otherwise keep it near your carry, because- I already said that, three times. Not gonna do that again. Harass the enemy with


Support Duties
Don't forget to ward, and remember the respawn times for Dragon/Baron.
Yeah, well, this is quite a short guide, but I hope it explained the unique mechanics of
Orianna in regard to playing her as a support. I in no way intended to teach the reader anything about the support role in general, so please excuse me for the lack of explanation in some paragraphs.
In my opinion support
Orianna is great fun due to her unique playstyle. But don't expect a top pick. With some skill, however, you should be able to compete with most traditional support characters.

In my opinion support

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