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There are some standards that just exist and are an unbreakable part of the meta, as unfortunate as it is. You don't need to explain why flash is good when it is used by 95% of people in every game.
No you're just completely wrong. You do need to know why it's used otherwise, what's the ****ing point? Making the right decision without knowing why is still foolish.
There are some standards that just exist and are an unbreakable part of the meta, as unfortunate as it is. You don't need to explain why flash is good when it is used by 95% of people in every game.
A guide is for new players to learn the game.
"Most common, most helpful, and the safest." Isn't what I would consider an explanation. that is just my opinion.
There are some standards that just exist and are an unbreakable part of the meta, as unfortunate as it is. You don't need to explain why flash is good when it is used by 95% of people in every game.
hahahaha, life style. The turrets do add some sweet life style points.