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Heimerdinger Build Guide by FluorescentBulb

Support Star Heimerdinger by SivHD (modified)

Support Star Heimerdinger by SivHD (modified)

Updated on May 25, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FluorescentBulb Build Guide By FluorescentBulb 5 6 57,038 Views 13 Comments
5 6 57,038 Views 13 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FluorescentBulb Heimerdinger Build Guide By FluorescentBulb Updated on May 25, 2013
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Isolanporzellator (20) | October 3, 2013 1:27pm
Hm, did decently well in normal games, but it is because I often hit my stun with E, so I think you should max E second for lower cooldown, and the mana cost doesnt increase as much, and the blind is much longer. Used the turrets for warding in early game, and pushing/buff clearing in mid/endgame. Just place 2 and your lane is always pushed^^. The turret is also very useful to tank the first buff for your jungler, which means he can get his first buff quick without getting damaged at all. You can do all these good things if you are mid, though. I dont think you should build zekes herald and commando banner, because your ult already gives 20% CDR at level 3, and imo these items aren't really worth without their CDR stat.
iSparklez (11) | May 28, 2013 3:52pm
If only this worked outside of bot games -1.
Laggermeister (242) | May 25, 2013 8:32am
Hi Siv HD. Instant -1. Bye.
GrandmasterD (531) | May 25, 2013 8:09am

There are some standards that just exist and are an unbreakable part of the meta, as unfortunate as it is. You don't need to explain why flash is good when it is used by 95% of people in every game.

No you're just completely wrong. You do need to know why it's used otherwise, what's the ****ing point? Making the right decision without knowing why is still foolish.
Latest Legend (149) | May 25, 2013 8:07am

There are some standards that just exist and are an unbreakable part of the meta, as unfortunate as it is. You don't need to explain why flash is good when it is used by 95% of people in every game.

A guide is for new players to learn the game.
GrandmasterD (531) | May 25, 2013 7:01am
I did support heimer before SivHD made his not very awesome video and he even manages to screw that up. Overall support heimer does not make any sense at all and you act like it does. Also the guide looks awful and is poorly written.
FluorescentBulb | May 25, 2013 3:44am
Deadlydave wrote:

"Most common, most helpful, and the safest." Isn't what I would consider an explanation. that is just my opinion.

There are some standards that just exist and are an unbreakable part of the meta, as unfortunate as it is. You don't need to explain why flash is good when it is used by 95% of people in every game.
Brotos | May 25, 2013 3:31am
Deadlydave wrote:

And Vampirism is completely useless because turrets don't apply life style.

hahahaha, life style. The turrets do add some sweet life style points.
Deadlydave (46) | May 25, 2013 3:22am
"Most common, most helpful, and the safest." Isn't what I would consider an explanation. that is just my opinion.
FluorescentBulb | May 25, 2013 3:17am
There i explaination everywhere, I don't know what you are talking about. The visuals of it are fine for the purposes of this-I am a participator, not a creator of this build just trying to get it out to hear more from people about it. Vamp is a good point, I will adjust that.
Deadlydave (46) | May 25, 2013 2:43am
And Vampirism is completely useless because turrets don't apply life style.
Deadlydave (46) | May 25, 2013 2:41am
And those images of the items are just too big. Make them smaller and centered.
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Heimerdinger Guide
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Support Star Heimerdinger by SivHD (modified)

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