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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
"Cap'n Teemo, on Doody!"
My name is LuciferMorninsta, a smurf Bronze III player that one day hopes to become challenger.
Don't let my rank placement let you think that this guide is useless. I've tried support Teemo in many matches, and he is the most annoying (for the enemy), and useful support I have ever witnessed.
This is my first guide, so, try this build out for yourself, see how it works for you in matches, and if you have questions, concerns, criticism, comments, compliments, please post them!
Here's to shrooming!
On Teamwork
As support Teemo you have 3 basic responsibilities during Early, Mid, and Late Game.
Early game: As Teemo, you, will accompany your adc bot lane, and focus on blinding the enemy adc (since most of them, especially Vayne, are reliant on Autoattacks), and poking. Let your teammate know that you will be stealing some of their farm in order to rush your advancement to level 6.
Mid Game: During Mid game, you will literally shroom every inch of the map. With your CDR runes, and items, plus mana regen items and runes, you will cover all entrances of the map (from the RIVER), and BUSHES, BARON, and DRAGON.
During Late Game, you build on your AP items and constantly shroom around the map. Let your team take the fight to the enemy, while being defended by your infinite barrage of shrooms.
That's all.
Good luck!
As support Teemo you have 3 basic responsibilities during Early, Mid, and Late Game.
Early game: As Teemo, you, will accompany your adc bot lane, and focus on blinding the enemy adc (since most of them, especially Vayne, are reliant on Autoattacks), and poking. Let your teammate know that you will be stealing some of their farm in order to rush your advancement to level 6.
Mid Game: During Mid game, you will literally shroom every inch of the map. With your CDR runes, and items, plus mana regen items and runes, you will cover all entrances of the map (from the RIVER), and BUSHES, BARON, and DRAGON.
During Late Game, you build on your AP items and constantly shroom around the map. Let your team take the fight to the enemy, while being defended by your infinite barrage of shrooms.
That's all.
Good luck!
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