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Ability Order
Clockwork Windup (PASSIVE)
Orianna Passive Ability
I wasn't able to find any valueable guides on Orianna for supporting. And since her mid game got nerfed so hard, that you certanly will lose mid-lane before level 6 I lost ambitions to play her (and yes, Orianna loses mid vs almost any champ, if he is not pretty bad! Since mana costs got increased and autoattack range was nerfed, you can't creep without getting harrased, and you cant harras without beeing OOM instantly - even with mana runes).
Why supporting with a mage?
Considering that every skill of her can be used offensive or supportive (

Basic rune build I recommend is:
Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration Gives you at least some additional magic penetration. And actually: there aren't any other usefull one...
Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration I prefer these over flat MP5, as they overtake them at level 8. Before that happens, the only thing you do with that ball is shield and scout the bushes.
Greater Seal of Scaling Ability Power or
Greater Seal of Ability Power are not recomended as those would leave you with 17,8 MP5, which is a joke considering that
Command: Protect takes 60 mana and
Command: Dissonance 70 mana (with max. mana of 550).
Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power Considering you shouldn't take any damage at all, that all skills scale with AP and that you want at least some damage, i feel these are most usefull. These make up with flat AP (
Greater Glyph of Ability Power) at level 6, just in time for your ultimate :)
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist The best glyph there is along with Greater Glyph of Force, but as we are avoiding damage, we dont need those. (You might consider those if you actually know that you are going to play vs an
Karthus, but then you shouldn't be supporting with
Orianna anyway ;) )
Greater Glyph of Magic Penetration I don't feel these glyphs are valueable for any champ, execpt your main aim are ONLY squishy champs (going for crushing magic resistence). As you are support, you are not going for any champs, so don't take these.
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed I just like being fast!
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power As the AP/lvl (
Greater Quintessence of Scaling Ability Power are only 7,5 AP stronger in the end, flat is the way to go here. Using this gives you about 20 AP on level 1. Making your shield 10% stronger. If you don't like to be Swift, have Potency!
I generally don't like these, going full for gold per ten gives you 9x
Greater Seal of Gold + 3x
Greater Quintessence of Gold = 5,25 Gold per 10.
Masteries + Gold per 10 items and global gold gain are: 2 (Masteries) + 5 ( Philosopher's Stone) + 5 ( Kage's Lucky Pick) + 13 (Passive gold gain by game) = 25 gold per 10 seconds.
Adding those 5,25 gold will give you 30,25 gold per ten, which are 21% more. With
Heart of Gold the difference will only be about 17%. Converting this difference into wards: 1 free extra ward every 3 minutes.
I don't think 1 ward every 3 min. is worth your lane sustain and your movementspeed / extra early AP.





Gold per 10:
I generally don't like these, going full for gold per ten gives you 9x

Masteries + Gold per 10 items and global gold gain are: 2 (Masteries) + 5 ( Philosopher's Stone) + 5 ( Kage's Lucky Pick) + 13 (Passive gold gain by game) = 25 gold per 10 seconds.
Adding those 5,25 gold will give you 30,25 gold per ten, which are 21% more. With

I don't think 1 ward every 3 min. is worth your lane sustain and your movementspeed / extra early AP.
Taking and maxing E

Usually taking W Command: Dissonce second helps out more then

Skill your Q

Pick up your R

Clockwork Windup:
This is actually a pretty strong passive! Use it to autoattack the enemy support / carry when ever you get a free shot on them. The extra damage on level 1 is 11 damage, combined with your base AD this stacks up to 58 damage per autoattack, increasing for each hit. Hurts pretty much after a while ;)
Command: Attack (Q):
This skill wont deal any serious damage before you have yourRod of Ages done, so don't bother useing it to often for harrasing. Anyway, its a great ward as you gain sight on the area around the balls place.
If you actually want to deal damage with the ball, you have to consider that he moves quite slow and can be dodged and that the damage decreases for every target you hit on the way of its movement!
Command: Dissonance (W):
Some might say thatKarthus
Wall of Pain or
Wither are the best non - stun CCs in game. I say this skill is the best! Why? It slows OR speeds up. Its AOE like Karthus, but its way easier to place correctly. Total movement speed difference can be 80%! (+40% for you, -40% for the enemy). And pretty nice thing: with full build done it deals about ~500 magical damage.
Use to escape ganks by firstCommand: Protect and then
Command: Dissonance. The same way also works for hunting down enemies. Just always try to use int with the one running in front of you (the one first in the direction you are heading!), as this enables all your team to take up the buff.
Command: Protect (E):
The most important skill for us as support! Using this correctly can keep your carry unharrased. Try to use it on him, whenever you see skillshots / autoattack used on your carry.
Also mind the armor / magic resist buff. this alone can turn the tide in a fight. JustCommand: Protect the carry, if you dont need the ball somewhere else. Benefits also in the fact that the ball will be "sticked" to him, until he gets out of range.
(If you use yourCommand: Dissonance while the ball is attached to someone, it automaticaly will speed that one up!)
Command: Shockwave (R):
Your awesome ultimate! Why awesome? Another CC (it interupts ultimates likeNunu & Willumps
Absolute Zero,
Katarinas Deathlotus or even Galios
Idol of Durand), quite some damage and a nice kite tool!
As the description says, this ultimate pulls everyone towards the ball! You can use that slow enemies by pulling them back. As it also stuns everyone for the time they are pulled, this can be a nice initiation tool. Important: you do can use that skill if the ball is attached to one of your teammates! If its on your tank, everyone in range will be pulled towards him!
I start with

If he uses a

First Back:
When ever you can purchase another gold per 10 item and you can leave the lane (without killing your turret or carry) go back and get it! Its gold over time, the earlier you have one, the better. I tend to get at least Philosopher's Stone and Kage's Lucky Pick.
Go for

These would be the only valueables boots so far. Thought, if you really play vs a team with 4 autoattacking AD champs.. dont hesitate to take

I tend to get

After this you want to consider to go either for
Late-Game Items:
This adds a perma slow on your skills (consider that all are AOE - Damage, used right you can hold multiple targets permanetly in the slows status!
It also makes you a bit more pseudo tanky, which is always a pretty nice thing. -
I won't explain, what for this item is good... Just consider that it takes a bunch of gold!
The manareg. and CDR aura are pretty usefull, consider this if playing with champs which are spaming skills! (a.e. if you have
Ryze and
Riven in your team, you want to get that item pretty early!)
Consider this item ONLY if you are playing with champs that really benefits of it! (
Xerath doesn't need it! But on the other hand a
Vladimir or
Ryze will kiss you for it ;) )
If the CDR- and spellvamp auras aren't needed this item is quite a nice deal! It gives you an active that will take up to 50% of the targets current health before counting mres (that
Malphite won't like it ;) ). Besides the active it also boosts your CDR to cap. 40% CDR is with that build about a 400 HP strong shield with 4,2 seconds!
Gives you 7 seconds (!) speed buff for your team if used with your
Command: Dissonance. This is pretty much the whole duration of an avarage teamfight! It also caps your CDR like
Deathfire Grasp
This item is really a nice one but:
1. You will have theoretical 45% CDR. But LoL is bad in maths :(
10% (Masteries) + 15% (Shoes) + 20% (Morello's) = 40% (Well... Riot obviosly failed the maths test ;)
Posible ways to counter that break through on CDR:
- Don't take
Intelligence , which nerfs your early CDR.
- Take
Sorcerer's Shoes instead of
Ionian Boots of Lucidity, this will leave you with 30% CDR but gives you additional 20 flat Magicpenetration. Might seem legit, but i dont aprove of it (we are supposed to support, not to be the teams mage)
2. 12 MP5 compared to 10 MP5 (withDeathfire Grasp: 2 MP5 ! That won't win you the game...
3. 75 AP compared to 60 AP + 50% of current HP as active damage... Well pretty obvious who won ;)
- Don't take
Orianna isn't supposed to get into autoattack range at all! And as you are pretty much spaming your abilities, you will not have to much time to autoattack anyone.
Pretty OP item! On
Swain with his ultimate activated. On
Karthus in the moment he gets focused. On
Fiddlesticks just eating your HP with his ultimate. But certainly pretty useless on
I never tried those, but as you are support you really could go for

If you see yourself getting fed early, you might even want to think about an

The 6th item:
Pretty OP, our sixth item: Wards.
I can't tell you how often I lost a game because the freaking support didn't care about buying those little cute green and pink things!
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