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Surging Tides (PASSIVE)
Nami Passive Ability
Thanks you, Greets TehFeelZz
With other words this nami guide is based pure on supporting and wining ur lane
the first levels lets say 6-8Minutes u shoud not play to agressive with this i mean dont push ur lane dead chill poke a bit with ur ebb and flow stun them poke them etc, ur very squishy at the start when u get ur first item ( ur reverie ) ur gonna have more sustain ( wath my guide items doesnt say is to buy the HP crystal first for the sustain and early lane dominance, after ur reverie its eazy to outpoke ur lane lane ur bubble good exhaust ur enemy adc BAM kill is as good as in ur pocket when u got ur ult i would say first fire ur ult right on ur adc then ur bubble for kill secure, when u get ganked ur ulti is a nice way to counter the gank, with this i mean, ult then bubble him or maybe the ult is enough !,
on late game use ult only on the teamfights unless there is NO other way to save urself of team members, also stay in the back and watch carefully ur ult is the perfect aoe cc, dont use it at the start let the fight engage let it expand take ur time ( u can use bubble at the start to help extra ofc and ur ebb and flow to ! )
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