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Ability Order
Ravenous Flock (PASSIVE)
Swain Passive Ability

Swain's Passive is
Carrion Renewal. Swain regenerates mana each time he kills a unit or building. This amount increases with each level.
Swain's first ability is
Decrepify. Swain sets his Raven to cripple his enemy, dealing damage over time and slowing the target. Note that Swain is free to move around as the source of the damage is technically the Raven. Also note that the spell is on a tether and can be broken by simply walking out of range. I take
Decrepify at level 3 and leave it there.
Swain's second ability is
Nevermove. Swain marks target area and after a short delay, enemies in the area are damaged and rooted in place for two seconds. Because of the long cool-down i take
Nevermove at level 2 and max it second.
Swain's third ability is
Torment. Swain afflicts his target, dealing initial impact damage, damage over time, and causing them to take 8% more damage from Swain's attacks and abilities over the next few seconds. I take
Torment at level 1 and max it right away.
Swain's ultimate is
Ravenous Flock. Swain transforms, taking the form of a Raven. This ability consumes mana as long as it's active. As long as the ability is active, three Ravens strike out at up to three enemies, prioritizing champions, dealing damage and healing swain for half the damage dealt. As with all ultimates, i take a point in
Ravenous Flock at level 6, 11, and 16.

Swain's first ability is

Swain's second ability is

Swain's third ability is

Swain's ultimate is

My Runes are Magic Penetration Marks, Ability Power per Level Seals and Glyphs, and flat Ability Power Quintessences. These give
Swain a decent boost to his damage output. Although i have NOT tested them yet, Spell Vamp Quintessences may be a viable alternative as it will give The Master Tactician better control over his health which syncronizes with his passive.

From here, adapt your build. If your dealing with Magic Damage, then pick up a

After, upgrade to

From here, pick up a

Once you have

Lastly, finish your build with

Swain's natural tankiness and high damage allows for an aggressive early game. Use

Also, buy plenty of Wards and be wary of enemy ganks. Swain's ability to over-bear on his opponents may make for a quick and relatively easy push, but it also makes him a prime target for ganks from enemy champions. If you catch a gank early enough, swing wide of it and attempt to halt it with

Remember that

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