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Ability Order
Ravenous Flock (PASSIVE)
Swain Passive Ability
The runes i picked are to primarily deal the maximum amount of damage possible. The magic penetration runes will help with the base magic resist every champ has start game and the other runes combined with masteries and the dorans ring will give you a starting AP of 52 creating some devastating damage from your harass (E, Torment)
The skill sequence consists of getting torment (E) to level 5 as quickly as possible as it deals incredible damage. The reason i get Nevermove (W) to level 5 last is because the stun duration doesnt increase as the level goes higher, only the damage does. Although a damage increase is nice the damage increase from Decrepify (Q) is far more valuable.
The rotation of using these skills in game will generally change depending on the situation but Torment (E) will come first if the Snare from nevermove (W) is not needed.
The rotation of using these skills in game will generally change depending on the situation but Torment (E) will come first if the Snare from nevermove (W) is not needed.
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