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Swain Build Guide by Draintrain

Swain - " Another enemy , another disappointment "

Swain - " Another enemy , another disappointment "

Updated on August 25, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Draintrain Build Guide By Draintrain 2,407 Views 0 Comments
2,407 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Draintrain Swain Build Guide By Draintrain Updated on August 25, 2011
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Hello everybody. This is my first guide on a champion. It's going to be about Swain , my "main" in League of Legends. Before we begin. I want to tell you that I've been playing Swain since release. I'm a dedicated player , never stopped playing him. And I consider myself to know a lot about him. Most of my games , and when I saw most I mean around 80%-90% are wins with me having a good score. I cant say all , because no one is perfect. Ok , now that we got that out , let us begin!
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For Runes I use a pretty standard setup. Magic penetration red's , mp5 per lvl yellow's , and cdr per lvl aswell. I dont use the flat cdr , since I dont think its as needed early is it is late game when you have most of your build up. Now , as for quints. I found out that 2 movement speed quints are simply incredible on Swain. So I use 2 ms quints and 1 for magic penetration or flat hp. You can choose between those 2. But if you can , I really hope you will use the ms quints.
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A standard caster mastery setup. Nothing new here. I think we can move along :)
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Okay. Now for the build. I start the game with the doran's ring. Always go mid. I ussually pick up first blood , or at least the 1st kill on mid. Once you have enough money ( around 800 ) , go back get boots lvl 1 , and 20 ap tome.On the next way back home finish boots first , afterwards the soulstealer. I know soulstealer is a snowballing item , but once you learn Swain well , it will always profit for you. I ussually have over 20 stacks before finishing my next item. RoA. Its a wonderfull item on Swain. Health , mana and ap. All that he needs. Get a rabbadons after. To boost your ap to the max. The last 2 items are what you think you need the most. A few suggestins is going tanky from there and getting zhonya + abyssal. Which is a pretty good way to round up your item build. However , lately I found out that getting Hextech gunblade works wonders on Swain. Not your typical caster item , but the slow works wonder. Plus the spell vamp and lifesteal. Swain has a stereoid that boosts all of his dmg. Which is wonderful , and the biggest reason I get hextech gunblade. If you choose to finish hextech gunblade , I recommend going for deathfire grasp as your last item.
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Skill Sequence

I max E first. Q second. And I pick up W on lvl 3. For your full combo , which is devastating early game , and thats when Swain is at his strongest. Good early game = domination the entire game. As long as you know what you are doing. Get your ultimate when ever possible.
R -> E -> Q -> W
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Laning early game ( 1 - 6 )

I thought this would be important for me to mention. So here we go. Swain is an absolute beast this part of the game. And I have never lost mid to anyone. So to "pick up fb" try and practice on the following. First of you need to hit with nevermove 90% of the time. Practice it well.
Use E and harras the opponent when ever you can with it. AS soon as you throw it , move away. On lvl 2 pick up Q , and then on 3 W. So use E and Q on him , and while he is slowed and retreating , fire off W in front of him. This will do a lot of dmg to him. After the harrasin on lvl 1 with E , this 1st combo on lvl 3. The next time your cds are up , its a guaranteed kill. Flash , use E , Q , W and ignite. Auto attack if you think its necessary and pick up your kill.
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I hope you enjoyed my guide. As I mentioned the first one I made so far. Please rate and comment. Try it out and tell me what do you think.
Thanks for taking the time to read my guide.
Draintrain out.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Draintrain
Draintrain Swain Guide
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Swain - " Another enemy , another disappointment "

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