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Recommended Items
Runes: Standart Battlemage
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Always like this
Ravenous Flock (PASSIVE)
Swain Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Outscales you hard, outtrades you also and has more dmg early
Like Samira but even better since she can amplify you heal and gives you aa Immunity
Like Samira but even better since she can amplify you heal and gives you aa Immunity
Champion Build Guide
+ Versatile
+ Decent Scaling
+ Always useful
+ Carry Potential
+ Extremely fun to play feeling like the Endboss
- Squishy early
- Low Range compared to other enchanter or mages
- Cc is tricky to hit
- For higher elos, Kiting/Zoning is required
Unleashes Bolts that deal dmg per Bolt. Try to be as close as possible to deal more Dmg.
Your Vision Spell for checking Bushes or cancel Backports. Try to use it on every CC to gain easy stacks. Also some Champions have ability animations that are easy to spot and make them unable to move like Cait Q. Try to use W on them while they are immobile for Poke and stacks. Also good to cut off escape routes or to zone adc when he try last hitting minions.
Try to hit it on maxrange so it instantly stuns and dont need to travel back. Also a good tool to zone enemys or cut of routes. Works on more then 1 enemy. If you flash after casting it (or simply move) you can redirekt the claw going back at you.
Your main Sustain. Try to have as many people/minions in your Aoe to drain life. Spare the second charge to slow enemys rather then using it for extra dmg. Also, remember that your Ult works during zhonyas and heals you during the stasis.
Champions like: Sejuani, Ornn, Maokai, Lee Sin, Galio, Trundle or Jarvan IV are good examples for that.
Example Teamcomp that is good for Swain:
Lee Sin
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