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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Blade's End (PASSIVE)
Talon Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You gotta make sure she can't use her passive on you, otherwise her burst will butcher you repeatedly
He pokes, alot. Try to move in unpredictable ways and don't walk on his minefield. After that he's really just a squirrel
He pokes, alot. Try to move in unpredictable ways and don't walk on his minefield. After that he's really just a squirrel
Champion Build Guide
2nd level cheese:If you don't know about 2nd level cheese: if you use a rake, q the
aa+ignite to kill most squishies]
Melee Combo: If you are rooted or they caught up to you, melee q,w+aa to proc passive
Basic combo: It's actually kinda complicated, but easy after a bit of practise, W,
before that hits, ranged Q, and before That hits, throw your ult in mid
air then aa to proc passive.
Teamfight Combo, Go through the jungle to get behind the enemy front line, then e over
a wall and hit as many people as you can with your w and ult, (DON'T
Q!) AA all of them, proparly done, you should have a w, a ult and a
bleed on everyone
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