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Talon Build Guide by offmeta support

Support Talon Support (Vision Assassin)

Support Talon Support (Vision Assassin)

Updated on December 3, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author offmeta support Build Guide By offmeta support 4,269 Views 0 Comments
4,269 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author offmeta support Talon Build Guide By offmeta support Updated on December 3, 2024
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Runes: electrocute

1 2
Sudden Impact
Zombie Ward
Ultimate Hunter

Triple Tonic
Cash Back

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Talon Support (Vision Assassin)

By offmeta support
Information about me and the pick.
You may ask yourself: Why would someone pick Talon Support?

And the answer is: Because Talon has a high kill potential on level 2, is mobile, can poke with his "w" and can roam very fast across the whole map to help secure objectives, turn around fights or maybe for just destroying the enemies mental. :)

I started playing offmeta-picks 2 years ago on top-lane. With the mythic items talon toplane was pretty decent and it was a lot of fun to just assassinate the enemy adc just to heal back to full life with goredrinker and hunt another victim down.

Like a year ago i started playing support again (started my LoL-Experience in 2016 as a Support and played the role for 4 years), but i thought to myself its a little boring to play the same 5 champions over and over again. So i started trying nearly every champion on support. And so far i had the most fun with Talon , Jarvan and Urgot .

Ignite with Flash can be very good in various ways. It can be good for kill pressure and engage/disengage (your "e" cooldown early/mid game is very high per wall). I really recommend using these.

Exhaust can be strong against teamfight-threats like a fed enemy toplaner or even against enemy jungle-gank / midlane-roam.

I don´t know how to tell you, but if you want to play this, you are a psychopath :D

Support-Item :

bloodsong ( ) is the only right choice.

first back options:

Symbiotic soles ( )are very good for your roaming and will help you travel faster and save u some time with backporting because u don´t have any sustain. especially the fast backport is very valuable.

Serrated dirk ( ) is just a very strong first back-item because it provides you with such a big spike of damage and it builds into alot of items you can build.

Core Items:

Umbral glaive ( ) is very strong on talon because you can clear wards with one autoattack and with your "E" ( ) you can travel further to cover more space and clear even more enemy vision.This Item is what makes this build so strong for the team, because you can clear a whole side with just this and one use of your lense and information is crucial for teamfights/objectives. For you as an assassin even more, so you can flank or get picks on the enemy team.

Eclipse ( ) is just a very strong Item for Talon Support because it gives you the spicy damage plus a shield plus its a pretty cheap Item.

Other Item options:

Black cleaver( )is very strong against tanky enemies, so your adc/your team does not have to worry about the tankiness too much + it provides you with hp, damage and cooldown-reduction.

Serpents fang ( )is very strong if the enemy team has a lot of shields (for example against a Lux, Milio,Sona, Ambessa etc.)and the stats are very good on talon too because he utilizes both attack damage and lethality .

chempunk chainsword ( )is obviously against a lot of healing plus it provides you with extra hp , even more AD and ability haste which are all valuable stats too for talon.

Serylda´s Grudge( ) is very strong if you cant followup fast enough to finish low-life enemies and gives you some armor penetration besides the classic AD and the ability haste .
You want to max "W" ( ) because it is your main engage- and main poke-tool (this ability slows more if leveled).

The second ability you want to max is your "Q" ( ), because this is your main damage and gap-closer.
You can put a second point into your E on level 10.

Ability Rundown:

Passive Ability: Blade's End

Talon's abilities wound champions for a short duration, stacking up to three times. When Talon basic attacks a fully wounded target, they bleed for 80-280 (+2.1 per bonus attack damage) physical damage over 2 seconds (levels 1-11).
Talon's abilities will also wound all monsters for 120% damage.

Q: Noxian Diplomacy

Talon leaps to a target, dealing 65/85/105/125/145 (+1.0 bonus attack damage) physical damage on arrival. If cast within melee range, Talon does not leap but instead critically strikes his target for 150%. Whenever Noxian Diplomacy kills a unit, Talon heals for 10-70 (depending on level) and 50% of its cooldown is refunded.

W: Rake

Talon sends out a volley of daggers in a cone that return after a short delay. The initial hit deals 50/60/70/80/90 (+0.4 per bonus attack damage). The return hit deals 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.9 per bonus attack damage), and slows for 40 /45/50/55/60% for 1 second.
Rake deals 100% damage against monsters.The traveling and returning pass each cannot affect the same enemy more than once.

E: Assassin's Path

Talon vaults over the nearest structure or terrain in a target direction. The vault's speed is affected by Talon's movement speed. Talon cannot vault over the same section of terrain for 160/135/110/85/60 seconds.

R: Shadow Assault

Talon disperses a ring of blades outwards and gains stealth for up to 2.5 seconds while gaining 40% movement speed. When Talon emerges from stealth, the blades converge on his location. Each time a blade passes through an enemy, they take 80/120/160 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) physical damage. Each enemy can only be damaged once at the start of the ability and once at the end.

The blades can be redirected to the target of Talon's first basic attack.



Electrocute is my go-to rune, because its easy to proc with "W" + "Q" + autoattack and it provides you with a lot of burst damage to do your job and kill the enemy adc.

First strike

First strike provides you with a lot of gold and it can be good if you are playing against one or maybe even 2 melee enemies on botlane (for example Nilah adc or Yasuo adc).

Time warp tonic can help you to survive bleeding, ignite or maybe even just to survive longer in a close fight.

Cash back in combination with first strike makes you a rich man and you will need the money for your items.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author offmeta support
offmeta support Talon Guide
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Talon Support (Vision Assassin)

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