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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Blade's End (PASSIVE)
Talon Passive Ability
Beacouse talon gets lot of damage in early game
Greater Seal of Armor and Greate glyph of magic resist will help you on improving your stamina.
I use
Greater Mark of Attack Damage , greater mark of armor penetration and greater quintenssece of attack damage to improve
Talon 's damage.

I use

Take 21 in offensive and 9 into utility. 21 in offensive for an obvious reason: you're an assassin and you want to maximize your burst, especially on
Talon .
The 9 points in utility will allow you to use your spells without running out of mana.
If you think that utility isn't a good choice you can change it to defence tree.

The 9 points in utility will allow you to use your spells without running out of mana.
If you think that utility isn't a good choice you can change it to defence tree.
Offensive items:
Mobility Boots will allow you to move everywhere very quickly.
The Brutalizer is a item that
Talon must have.
Bloodthirster is increasing your burst and gives you lifesteal.
Last Whisper helps you on killing high stamina champs more easy.
Trinity Force gives you a variety of stats and with it's slow you have 10% more damage couse of mercy
Guardian Angel improves your stamina and upon dying gives you 30% life.

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