Not a terrible matchup, but you do have to respect the taunt. Your passive will not apply to him when he is under his W, so keep that in mind if you're looking for the shield from it.
Perma ban this **** stain of a champion. He hard counters you with blind (it applies to your E as well) and can basically have you perma blinded. There is no winning against a Teemo.
Yorick is scary, even if you are ahead. One good cage from him can make you lose any trade, and he will one shot you even after titanic hydra. Play safe, focus on procing passive from far away and farming grasp, and look to help around the map.
This matchup is extremely polarized. One of you is going 0/10, whoever that is relies directly on you. His Q range is just enough to hit you when you auto, and the W cripple is scary. Make sure he's used E before you try to use yours, to do damage or otherwise.
Very easy lane, just bully the hell out of him and don't let him get farm. Once you've mastered autoing under tower without taking damage, there is quite literally nothing he can do if you perma shove wave. Make sure you respect the R though, because no matter how many stacks he has he can still win the fight. E away and wait it out.
Dr. Mundo
Fairly even matchup. If you know how to fight Mundo, it's no different here. Avoid his cleavers and after first back make sure you have overheal up to avoid taking poke from his E. if he R's, just reset the engage and go back in.
This champ either sucks to fight, or does literally nothing. You have a very easy way of harassing Camille, especially when your E allows you to escape anything pre-6. After 6 you should both be strong, but make sure you watch for the R animation cancel, as it will put your R on a 5 second CD.
While mostly even, the R will **** you over late. Make sure you're breaking any tentacles with autos (they stack grasp!) before you go in, and you should be fine if you've been poking her enough.
Cho'gath's whole game plan revolves around voring you at half health, but shields are a decent counter to this. This build has a **** ton of shielding, so if you dodge the Q and expect the W you'll be fine.
Scary champ. Reset the fight if the vital looks bad. Make sure you're considering where she will be if you're going to go in with an E, and how to potentially dodge her vitals. After she has R, save your E until she R's you and just book it.
Your autos ruin Gangplank's entire kit. Even late game, when his barrels prep quick, you shoot your double shot faster than he can proc it. Keep up the harass and his only damage will be from Q, and he'll be stuck backing every 5 seconds.
You win against Garen pre-6, but your odds take a significant turn for the worse once he gets his ult. Always expect it, be ready for it, and always check if he has ignite.
You win against Gnar. You lose against Mega Gnar. Do not fight Mega Gnar and the lane is won.
Gwen is extremely scary to any top laner, especially when you try to put a marksman up there. Her W can very easily block every single ability you have, and if she's smart, she'll use it to deny you any E damage. Play as safe as possible, and look to make impact around the map.
Irelia is Irelia, and there's no getting around that. You have to wait for her to whiff E to go in, otherwise stay far far away. If you think you're far away enough, stay back farther. She will tower dive you level 3 if you don't respect her.
Jax seems scary in concept with his E, but in reality there's little he can do unless he gets going. The playstyle of this build is to pressure early and bully hard, so with Jax's early CD's being a year long, you'll be able to pressure him well. Back off if he R's, and wait until he burns Q to try and E away.
Kayle is one of your best matchups, given that she has no early game. Use your range advantage to bully her hard and as much as possible, and make sure you watch for ganks pre 6. After 6, she can fight you, but you still have an edge if you've been farming better. Dodge R and you'll be fine.
Kennen has surprise burst damage, even when you're building tank/shield. Before you have Vamp scepter you have to respect the Q poke, but afterwards the only thing to fear is his stun and E.
Do not fight this champion pre 6. Ever. Skaarl will always save Kled in the nick of time, and then your lane is lost because of how oppressive he can be with little gold. Farm and poke until 6, run if he tries to all in you before that.
You do next to no damage to Malphite, and he will one shot you in return. Bully until 6, then beg your jungler to come help. Next best ban compared to Teemo.
Lillia will run you down so you can't escape with E, and the sleep is extremely potent. Watch for her Q's as you would a Darius, and try to make her waste enough mana so you can all in.
Mordekaiser is another mostly even matchup, if not for the R. Bully him until 6 so you have more gold, then hug your tower's outer range for the rest of lane. If you play it well, he can't get ahead and you'll win every fight outside of dimension. Even if you are extremely ahead, unless you are a thousand percent sure you can kill him in dimension, don't even try.
The monkey sucks. You have one thing going for you which is the ability to know if he's cloned because of your passive. Post 6 make sure to save your E for the split second in between his R casts to get away.
Easy matchup if you respect the Q. The W healing will easily lose you the fight or trade, so once he procs it once be sure to stay out of his range. Make sure you don't take unnecessary poke from standing too close to the wave when his passive is active.
Even matchup. Look for his E and if it's not up punish him. You can't do the typical run and gun with your E that you would against anyone else as you'll proc the legs, so if you're going for it, make sure you're at a respectable distance.
Good god this champ. You can't fight him pre 6, you can't fight him post 6, your best chance is to get lucky with the jungle coinflip or pray to god he ****s up royally.
Trundle will make pretty much every stat you build negligible. You can fight him levels 3-6, but afterwards keep a safe distance. Remember you can E his pillar.
Tahm Kench
This stupid elo boosting piece of **** champion will be near impossible to kill even before he's backed. You aren't building kraken so good luck doing damage. Your best bet here is to outsustain him and run as soon as you smell danger.
Sion is an easy straightforward matchup, the only thing to take care for is if you E behind him to kill. You can very easily be put in a very bad position and die to his passive.
Singed is easy to fight, as most of his damage comes from getting you behind him. Your E can arc in a way that completely avoids it, but make sure you're constantly thinking about the W, or you might not be able to escape with your E.
Sett is surprisingly easy to deal with. Expect the W and get the move speed from your passive cancel to dodge the true, then just keep out of way of his E and you're golden.
However far back you are, you need to be further. You are never safe against this champion. The most you can do is weave autos in between her Qs and dodge the knockup. If you can avoid it, make sure you're not in range of her W. It's very hard to kill this champion with R, so maybe save it for someone else.
If you respect his E distance, there's nothing he can do. Poke with autos until he feels he has to all in, then grapple out while he's left looking like a chump for trying to combo you.
Both of you want the same things, but you're better at sustaining. Watch for the blind and you should be fine. If she vaults off you in your E you can drag her anywhere, which can be useful under very specific circumstances.
As Akshan, you play primarily around walls. Poppy is the best character to exploit this, especially if she removes your E with her W and you're stuck fighting her. Hold your E until you're absolutely certain you can escape or kill.
Most tanks won't be able to match your mobility or sustain, and Ornn is no exception. Stay safe around terrain, and make sure his knock up is gone before you E. Overall he only really has one gap closer, so predict that and book it or you will lose the trade.
Very easy to fight. Take care to avoid second sweet spot, as it is more than likely what will do the most damage if you're spacing incorrectly. He can still pull some ******** out of his *** if he's 0/4, so just watch where you're positioning.
Mostly even matchup. You win hard before his dirk spike, but start playing more careful once you notice he has it.
This champ hard counters you. The most you can do against a Pantheon is beg jungle to come help or just slow farm and wait to start roaming.
Scary champ. The best option is to play careful, and not let him get an inch of traction against you. Fighting him usually goes poorly, but if you are going to fight, make sure you're out of his auto range when he overheats.
Easy champ to bully, just dodge Q3 and you'll win pretty easily.
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