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Nidalee Build Guide by Chardonnay

Top Tanky, AP, AD, On-hit Super Hybrid Nidalee.

Top Tanky, AP, AD, On-hit Super Hybrid Nidalee.

Updated on January 31, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chardonnay Build Guide By Chardonnay 6,201 Views 0 Comments
6,201 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Chardonnay Nidalee Build Guide By Chardonnay Updated on January 31, 2013
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Just checking out how this guide building works lol

Here's some fun Hybrid Nid build i would like to share (I would say its more of Aram build because it takes lot of gold and time but if you having a pretty long Rift game you may finish it in there) its not done because i have no idea how to use guide building thing yet ( stats all messed up,it doesn't add up AP from Seraph's,same as ad from Muramana, and all of my explanations under note section ). But anyways, it's pretty op.
The two main items in here are Muramana (which adds magic dmg to your spear and basic atacks), Seraphs( which adds ap and more mana) and other once are depending on what you want to do in the game.
My idea was since Nid both Q's hurt so much why don't make them both do enough dmg plus having enough sustain to be able pounce in the team fight.
I decided to maximize the amount of mana( so you get more Ap and Ad) plus getting some hp, mr and Armor, also you getting pretty close to Cdr cap few On-hit effects from Muramana and Ice-born Gauntlet, Hp, spell shield and Seraphs shield .

Since the front stats chart is lying i made a little one just so you guys have an idea of what is final result look like it should be pretty close.
Max stats with elixirs, Barron buff (you can solo Barron with this build but i would take blue buff before doing it) and full stack on everything - are
- 285-310+ Ad
- 450-500+ Ap
- 120-150+ Armor (In the cougar form)
- 110-160+ Mr (In the cougar form)
- 25-40% Cdr( depending on runes masteries and zephyr or boots)
- 4000+ Mana
- 3000+ Hp
- 8% + ( whatever your magic Pen runes) Magic Pen.
- 8% + ( whatever your armor pen runes) Arm Pen.
Yes no Pens - but you can always give away one of your sustain items for Void staff or Last Whisper
Movement speed with boots 410+ with zephyr somewhere around 375-390+(if you got MS runes), also if you got MS runes, jenna or sona in the team or just a nice teammates you can prolly sell your boots get some more sustain and just pounce around bushes like a boss.

Maybe someone already got this kind of build for Nid in here, however i didn't see anyone doing it. I know guide is pretty messy and unfinished, but just wanted to try make one lol. Also I'm not English fluent so don't judge me for using language wrong. Thanks.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Chardonnay
Chardonnay Nidalee Guide
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