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The Role of Support
Taric may be able to take multiple bludgeons and volleys from enemy adc's but that does not mean he should. Taric excels at spamming and making the enemy adc feel insecure because he can look like he won every exhange. However his heal can only do this every now and then so because of this it isn't very smart during the first few minutes to go in and go toe to toe with thresh in fisticuffs because he will murder you and just laugh at your foolish attempt. No Taric is smart as he needs time to become powerful and typically this occurs at lvl 6. He gets his ultimate and it does a lot to buff not only his damage but his partner's as well. With this he can easily win exhanges but until then stick to solely stunning and then using his armor shred and running back to your adc safely. Sit back and come out when they least expect it and make sure you hover around the enemy adc like he's your property. Follow along in a crescent shape and you can easily manage yourself as the enemy support will have no idea where to position himself/herself.
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