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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Bravado (PASSIVE)
Taric Passive Ability

In my opinion,

But when your jungle is not a tank like

I don't think i have THE runes for tanky
Taric, but it works well.
Armor is important, added to his Z you won't take so much dammage by the carry and the support during the lanning phase.
Magic reduce is good in late game, so i choose MR per lvl (better than MR pure since you reach lvl 6)
And because my masteries won't give a lot of gold, I'll go for Gold/10 quint. But if you have it, health quint will be good to.
My masteries looks like a full tank.
in defense tree is needed, cause you will spam your skills after (combined with
Shurelya's Battlesong and
Randuin's Omen it is very nice.
But you can change the other masteries of the tree if you prefer something else.
In Utility, I choose the speed, and because 12mana/lvl isn't a lot, i prefer Good Hands.

Armor is important, added to his Z you won't take so much dammage by the carry and the support during the lanning phase.
Magic reduce is good in late game, so i choose MR per lvl (better than MR pure since you reach lvl 6)
And because my masteries won't give a lot of gold, I'll go for Gold/10 quint. But if you have it, health quint will be good to.
My masteries looks like a full tank.

But you can change the other masteries of the tree if you prefer something else.
In Utility, I choose the speed, and because 12mana/lvl isn't a lot, i prefer Good Hands.
Like in every other support, i go for a
Faerie Charm and 2 sight ward. I take only one health pot cause
Taric has
Imbue, and 2 mana pot for very early game. You won't run out of mana after your first back if you don't spam like hell.
When I do my first back, if all work well, i already have 1 or 2 assist, and I can buy philosopher's stone and again sight ward. If i have a lot of gold, i buy
Boots, or
Heart of Gold if I really have a lot.
2nd or 3rd back, you will have your 2 gold items and your final boots.
Ninja Tabi or
Mercury's Treads, depend of the build of enemy team, and if mid/top feed for example.
After that, you can do the
Aegis of the Legion, who is a very good item for support. Right after, finish your
Shurelya's Battlesong for cooldown reduction and engage/escape of teamfight.
Finish your
Randuin's Omen for more armor if AD on ennemy team is dangerous for you and your team, or a
Force of Nature if AP are strong. After
Force of Nature finish
Randuin's Omen.
You can, if they only have one AP, who has no cs and play very bad, don't take the
Force of Nature and go for a
Warmog's Armor, or a
Sunfire Aegis if you think you have enougth health.
I always keep a place for sight ward, and game end before i have enougth gold for a last big item, and keep warding is very important. When I have my 5 items, I take
Elixir of Fortitude, and sometimes
Elixir of Brilliance.

When I do my first back, if all work well, i already have 1 or 2 assist, and I can buy philosopher's stone and again sight ward. If i have a lot of gold, i buy

2nd or 3rd back, you will have your 2 gold items and your final boots.

After that, you can do the

Finish your

You can, if they only have one AP, who has no cs and play very bad, don't take the

I always keep a place for sight ward, and game end before i have enougth gold for a last big item, and keep warding is very important. When I have my 5 items, I take

Always take

Continue with

For summoners, i take exaust and
Flash, to have an escape (or engage with
Dazzle, wich works really well), and for more control in lane. If my team ask for
Clairvoyance I will take it but I personally prefer exaust.
To sum up,
Taric is both a support and a tank who can engage in all enemy team and still survive.
Don't forget to take an
Oracle's Elixir when you think it's time to unward, except if your jungler already bougth one.
Thank you for reading, it's my first build I will probably upgrade it later.
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To sum up,

Don't forget to take an

Thank you for reading, it's my first build I will probably upgrade it later.
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