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Recommended Items
Ability Order
New Destiny (PASSIVE)
Graves Passive Ability
Why AP Graves Mid is a viable option
Why AP Graves Mid is a viable option in pub games
Even though smokescreen only scales 60% with ap, it is still a very viable option. With a full ap build, you can have a 500+ damage aoe nuke with a 10 second cooldown. Mana and mana regeneration items also give the opportunity to spam buckshot. With cool-down reduction, quick-draw is even more useful in getting away from sticky situations. The only cons of going an ap graves mid are that your ult does literally nothing, buckshot doesn't do a ton of damage, and your right clicks won't be much effective. The compensation for these cons is the ability to spam your abilities and have an effective low cool-down aoe nuke + blind.
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