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Ability Order
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
Chapter 1
First of all: this is a build which hopefully makes it easy to understand what i want to learn you, this just in a short build. So you don't have to read such a long story.
So Teemo is a champion who has to take advantage of his posion and movement speed.
so a hybrid teemo needs mainly attack speed,movement speed and ability power.
don't understand this wrong, these things are just good for teemo, ofcourse you need damage to deal more, so dont just make your teemo with only ap,att speed and movement speed.
So in this guide i will explain the chosen items, spells and orther things.
I based this guide on a bot lane carry, you might ask why? because he might be better top or mid, because of his low range. But with this build you can easily go bot, and they Toxic Shot also make it easier to farm, because you hit more each basic attack.
so 1 basic attack of teemo hurts early game more than a hit of the enemy carry on you.
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