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Ability Order
Guerrilla Warfare (PASSIVE)
Teemo Passive Ability
Yes exactly what I thought until I tried it, it's not very effective but it is fun to try mushroom the others lanes and gank secretly. This guide isn't guaranteed a victory for you
Question: what does this Teemo guide have that makes it better than the 100,000 other Teemo guides available on Mobafire?
Well this is my personal thing, I want to share it. I don't really care how many other guides there are. I know there is some Jungle Teemo Guides on mobafire. But this works best for me
but sure this doesn't guarantee a win but league isn't about winning. I'm pretty sure it was made for fun, Yeah there is tournaments but it's for people who try hard
Elder Lizard on AP Teemo. -1
I only used this to gank people in laning phase, You can change it around i'll fix that in my guide now
Well this is my personal thing, I want to share it. I don't really care how many other guides there are. I know there is some Jungle Teemo Guides on mobafire. But this works best for me
but sure this doesn't guarantee a win but league isn't about winning. I'm pretty sure it was made for fun, Yeah there is tournaments but it's for people who try hard
Elder Lizard on AP Teemo. -1
I only used this to gank people in laning phase, You can change it around i'll fix that in my guide now
+ Great Damage with Toxic Shot Passive
+ Awesome Shutdowns Melees with Q Blind e.g, Ashe, Kogmaw, Ezreal
+ Clear Jungle Camps at Level 6 with Shrooms!
+ Extremely Cute
- Extremely Squishy
- Always picked by other teammates
- Always Focused
- Useless when / is placed on the enemy team
+ Great Damage with Toxic Shot Passive
+ Awesome Shutdowns Melees with Q Blind e.g, Ashe, Kogmaw, Ezreal
+ Clear Jungle Camps at Level 6 with Shrooms!
+ Extremely Cute
- Extremely Squishy
- Always picked by other teammates
- Always Focused
- Useless when / is placed on the enemy team
I Take 9x Greater Mark of Attack Speed mark, because it hugely increases your jungling speed and attack for teemo in fights
I take 6x Greater Seal of Armor seal, You can also take 9x Greater Seal of Armor instead of 6
Seals, But i advise you to take 3x Greater Seal of Health
I strongly recommend 3x Greater Seal of Health seal, As this can make teemo not as squishy for jungling!
I take 9x Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power glyph, Because teemo is best with AP,
I love to use 3x Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed quints, This improves teemo's escape
But you can also take 3x Greater Quintessence of Health
Take Flash and Smite for Spells
Smite Teemo will just die and die over and over without Smite This is a junglers dream spell
Flash Teemo has no escape mechanisms built in except his slow on his mushroom
This can save Teemo's LIFE and i mean IT
You can also take Ghost instead of Flash
You can take any other but i strongly recommend Ghost and Flash
Smite Teemo will just die and die over and over without Smite This is a junglers dream spell
Flash Teemo has no escape mechanisms built in except his slow on his mushroom
This can save Teemo's LIFE and i mean IT
You can also take Ghost instead of Flash
You can take any other but i strongly recommend Ghost and Flash
+ camouflage If Teemo stands still and takes no actions for 2 seconds, he becomes stealthed indefinitely. After leaving stealth, Teemo gains the Element of Surprise, increasing his attack speed by 40% for 2 seconds.
This is a fantastic passive for a gank. When the laning person your ganking goes back you can sit in the middle of the lane and let them push while your teammate waits for him to get close
and BANG you pop out and probably a kill
+ Blinding Dart Obscures an enemy's vision with a powerful venom, dealing damage to the target unit and causing all attacks to miss for the duration. Deals 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.8 AP) magic damage and causes the target to miss all of their attacks for 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds.
Take this at level 2 this will and i mean WILL save your life at red
+ Move Quick Passive: Teemo's Movement Speed is increased by 10/14/18/22/26% unless he has been damaged by an enemy champion or turret in the last 5 seconds. Active: Teemo sprints, gaining twice his normal bonus for 3 seconds. This bonus is not lost when struck.
This is just Teemo's Speed Steriod fast and furiously cute!
+ Toxic Shot Teemo's basic attacks poison their target, dealing 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.3 AP) magical damage upon impact and 6/12/18/24/30 (+0.10 AP) magical damage each second for 4 seconds.
Take this for jungling as teemo it's passive is so useful when taking down creep camps
+ Noxious Trap Uses a stored mushroom to place a trap that detonates if an enemy steps on it, spreading poison to nearby enemies that slows movement speed by 30/40/50% and deals 200/325/450 (+0.8 AP) magic damage over 4 seconds. Traps last 10 minutes, Teemo can store a maximum of 3 traps on his at once.
As Teemo's Ultimate i advise you to get this whenever you can because this hurts like a bloody truck!
Well this isn't much of a guide and i know it, I'm actually 14, I am pretty dumb...
But i hope you like this guide!
Special Thanks to
This guide was made by Jhoijhoi "Making A Guide"
But i hope you like this guide!
Special Thanks to
This guide was made by Jhoijhoi "Making A Guide"
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