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Either go Phase Rush or Grasp.
Dont ever get hit by his W, because then you're basically dead. Dont walk up too far, sometimes he can just R and kill you if he hits W.
Dont take extended trades, instead go for small grasp procks, while being very aware of his Q's.
Be unpredictable. He will become more and more used to your movementpatern.
(personally prefered rune) I go electrocute or grasp.
You dont want to get behind against akali. Stay safe and poke her when she goes for CS. Walk away when she goes in her cloud.
Get early health and MR and you'll be fine.
Fiora is skill matchup.
Go grasp in this one. just in case you fall behind. Walk out of visionrange when the vital point is bad.
Be unpredictable with q's. If she has good reactions she can just block your q off of that.
Stay safe and poke when she goes for cs. get early armor.
Camille is not that hard of a matchup. Stay safe until around lvl 6.
Its important you dodge her W's.
Go grasp and just shroom up the walls, so she can never e onto you.
Blind her 2nd q and you'll be fine.
This is impossible matchup.
Go for dorans shield. Buy early MR and Health.
Go grasp with second with and just get the CS possible. Dodge q's at all costs.
Just scale and start participating in river and dragon fights.
Get scaling runes and build. You will never really poke down cho gath enough unless he sucks. His passive simply heals too much.
Focus on farm and poke when he misses Q.
Go phase rush + ghost or electrocute + ignite.
Stay very safe until lvl 6.
NEVER get hit by his E.
When he runs towards you, shrooms the wave and run, dont even poke till he turns around.
Get early boots and armor.
Dr. Mundo
Just go PTA and build attack speed. Get executioner.
I go either just AP build with attack speed. or BORK + Rageblade.
Dodge q's and its easy matchup.
Go Grasp, second wind and taste of blood. ONLY go for poke when you have grasp up. Go for short trades with Auto + grasp + q.
Perhaps get an early Dorans shield.
If he's good with his barrels it becomes very hard and you will need to either outtime him or bait them out.
Get aery or electrocute and just poke him down.
When he runs towards you simply just press W and run the other way.
Dont go for autos or q's just run, else his q will land and he will outtrade you.
Go grasp or aery. Dodge his q's.
Play extremely defensive when he's about to get big gnar. He can stunlock you and oneshot you with big gnar.
only go for poke when his q is down. and he low on rage.
Go for aery and 3 points in q from early game.
Shroom his turrets. and only poke with q.
Dont get hit by his E, then you will die very quickly.
go grasp and DONT get hit by her E. Dont call the jungler up. She might just double kill you.
You will outscale her eventually.
Get grasp just in case you fall behind.
Very snowbally. Plan far ahead and walk far back when she has oppertunity for 5 stacks.
Get early seekers and just get grasp stacks.
You can completely demolish her if you play it right.
Jax can be hard.
Get electrocute. It goes thru his counterstrike. Get 3 points in q. When he jumps you just q him and run back. Poke him when he turns around, else just run.
Go aery or grasp.
You can hard poke her early game, but as soon as shes lvl 6 she wins most trades.
Id recommend go 3 points in q.
Dont let her ahead, she will destroy you. Focus on farm.
Go aery with 3 points in q.
Dodge his q's and get early MR and health. Place shrooms in wave when he goes in and just play around them. you will win the all ins as long as you poke him down in lane.
Get 3 points in q with grasp or electrocute.
Q him when he goes in and try to run.
Poke him when he goes for cs and call your jungler up. Because kleds play very aggresively.
Theres not much to do against lillia in my experience. Get Aery and 3 points in q and just q her from long distance.
Get early magic resist and start liandrys.
Call jungler shes an easy kill, if your jungler has CC. else dont bother.
Get grasp, second wind and taste of blood. Do the same as in GP matchup.
ONLY poke when you have grasp and q up.
You will outpoke him that way.
Be careful with his R it sets up a gank VERY well.
Maokai just presses w and perma cc's you till you're dead.
Dont walk near bushes, his saplings will kill you quickly.
Get PTA and start Cull. Focus on farm.
Get PTA. Dodge every one of his E's and poke only when you dodge them or he wastes them.
Go attackspeed boots and you should win if you dodge his stuff.
If behind, go Qss and survive.
Go Phase rush. Maybe even ghost if prefered.
You can absolutely destroy him early game. Blind him when he goes for stacks and always blind him when he wants to stack cannons.
Phase rush will help you run from him when he goes all in. Overall an easy lane if youre careful with jungle ganks.
go phase rush or grasp. Get early boots. Swifties pref.
You can't really win this lane at all. focus on farm and outscale.
dodge his q's and get early armor.
go for PTA and attack speed.
dont go for poke unless he used his q already, else he will q and e instant.
lvl 6 you need to be cautious. He can instakill you with it.
You outscale in length, so just go for Cull and farm.
he will outtrade you in every single trade because of his e. so dont even bother trying to kill him.
go armor early. maybe even cloth armor start if he has ignite.
you hard outscale tho. so farm.
not a hard matchup, dont stand near walls. Any rune is fine really dosent matter.
She is very tanky, expect it.
Dont go for trades when her passive is up.
get electrocute, grasp or aery. Get 3 points in q and only trade when q is up.
You can trade after lvl 3 or 4. Before that she will win trades.
you hardoutscale her in lane if you put 3 points in q. So you should win very fight after first item.
Renekton can be a hard matchup. ONLY fight him if you can setup your shrooms so he goes into them and you have ignite. you will outscale him in midgame.
Q him when he dashes forward.
get early seekers. its a must.
this is a very hard matchup.
Play towards river so he cant jump onto you. You should outscale him, so just be patient and play passive.
Go grasp or phase rush.
and get seekers armguard.
Get grasp or electrocute.
Riven is all about all ins. You need to poke her down a bit and get seekers early. You shroom the wave and ignite her and you should win the all in, if you poked her down.
DO NOT GET CLOSE, she will destroy you if she gets on you lvl 3-5
Rumble is impossible matchup
GO grasp, second wind, taste of blood with a Dorans shield on top.
Then you can survive his poke.
You can also go aery 3 points q and fight back, but i dont recommend it.
you wont outscale either, but you can try to roam around and make your team win, because rumble dosent push fast.
RYze is another impossible matchup. He wins lane and outscales as well.
Get aery 3 points in Q and try to survive lane. dont stand near the wave, so his q doesnt bounce to you.
Just farm and hope to win teamfights later on.
Sett can be a hard matchup. Go grasp or electrocute. If you just don't get hit by his E and poke him afterwards, you should be fine.
Get some early armor if needed.
You hard outscale him.
Shen can also be hard. I go grasp and sometimes 3 points in q. You just q him when he goes in for a taunt, walk away from him and auto him afterwards.
Electrocute goes thru his W, so thats an option too.
Just poke him whenever he comes close. Take aery and be a pain in his ***. you wanna get early boots and not get flipped. But even so you should be able to just kill him.
He sets up ganks well, so if he w's you, just run as fast as possible.
any rune is just fine.
just get early boots and but some points in w. he will poke you down with e's and q's. try to dodge his e's, so he cant q you.
i suck at this matchup, ngl.
GO electrocute on this one. Sylas is very weak early. so you can poke him down a lot. with ignite you should be able to win hard over him early, so you can just extend ur lead further and further in lane.
avoid extended trades, where he can W you twice. Those are the ones you lose.
go eiher phase rush or electrocute. i prefer ghost in the matchup.
Max Q first and just kite him.
Sometimes you can Q him and go invis in the bush quickly.
Keep in mind not to poke with q, because then he just all ins you.
go PTA and attack speed. play safe early and you will surely outscale him quickly.
Do you not get by his E, because then you're gonna die most likely.
poke him when he goes for cs.
Very easy matchup, go aery or electrocute and only trade with blind up.
take ignite and dont level w till lvl 5.
you should smash every trade, as long as you dont stand near walls.
go aery 3 points in q or grasp.
poke him early and shroom the wave when he all ins. you should be fine as long as you dont let him outscale you.
Take PTA and cut down.
be unpredictable for his E and q him before his stun lands. dont take extended trades, he will win them all because of his W.
you will outscale him, but in early game you need to play aggressive.
do still keep jungle ganks in mind tho.
get grasp and seekers early. wukong ***** on you in all ins. you need to just lead him to shrooms and poke him down.
call your jungler up around lvl 6. he will look for all-ins at that point.
go grasp or electrocute.
Yasuo is an annoying matchup. be careful because a good yasuo wins this every time. (master+)
dont q into his windwall, just shroom the wave when he goes in and bait out his windwall.
get seekers and health early.
go grasp or electrocute.
Yone is a super hard matchup.
for some reason his q goes thru blind.
you want to poke him, but when he E's you get outta there.
go grasp.
dont get hit by E or W, then he will outtrade you very hard.
poke him from early game.
Try to blind him when he q's minons so he cant stack up his golems.
I picked up teemo at the start of season 10.
I played him nonstop for 300 games, all the way from silver 4 to diamond 1.
I reached Diamond 1 78 LP with a 63% win rate.
I have learned every single matchup and learned how to abuse the power of teemo.
He has power that nobody expects, and the best of it all. He pisses the **** out of everyone who gets in contact with him.
Build guide
NO ********, this is an excellent simple and informative teemo guide that will teach you the ways of teemo quickly in quality
Early game build is pretty straight forward. in matchup guides, i told which mathcups to be careful with and build early armor or magic resist + health.
Liandrys + nashors is absolutely essential. I like to go liandrys first on everything else than PTA. on PTA i go nashors + berskers greaves early.
You want to get void staff, hourglass and rabadon alot of the time. All the other items are situational. Not that they are not good, but the others items are just better.
I dont recommend building morello that often, even tho it seems like a solid item. Only build it if they really do have alot of healing. Because it will just delay your other items.
dont wait with building void staff till they start building Magic resist. You want to think forward and already have void staff by the time they start building MR. Else you will just be useless for a little while, which might just lose the game.
Gameplay guide
This guide will teach you all the ways i use in my gameplay, which is the best way to utilize teemo to his fullest potential
I will be giving tips and how to play teemo throughout the stages of the game.
Teemo scales extremely well if you keep up the farm. With teemo you go ignite almost every game. This will require you to win lane. On teemo you will be going for a big lead in the lane.
Shroomplacement in lane
1. TIP
place your shrooms at the start of the lane towards the river. play around this spot, so if the enemy toplaner wants to trade you can easily manipulate him towards the shrooms. at the same time, their jungler will walk into them while ganking you.
keep the enemy jungler in mind
2. TIP
Enemy jungle will always look to camp a teemo. You have ignite so dying punishes you really hard, and you are easy to gank due to not having any mobility.
You need to know when their jungler is around toplane and ward accordingly.
Learn the cleartimes and such, its pretty simple.
Play aggresive
3. TIP
AS mentioned above, you need to win lane. Play aggressive in lane, to get a lead. Either poke them out of lane or setup for kills. Teemo is very strong with ignite, so you have a lot of kill pressure.
Farm enemy jungle
4. TIP
Win lane and kill the tower. Teemo scales very well, so if you get the enemy tower around 14 minutes, you can keep on killing enemy jungle to extend your lead.
This is solo win games almost. I have solo carried simply because I've gotten so far ahead because of enemy jungle and farm.
Shrooms in fight are essential
5. TIP
Use your shrooms correctly in mid and late game. In fights you either place shrooms in chokepoints if they will come to you, it will give ur team control over the engage timing. Fx. a drake fight. your team arrives late and the enemy team is on the drake. Its much more valuable to throw shrooms into the pit, than having them in chokepoints at that point.
Throw the shrooms into the waves when they push, this can setup for engages and picks later into the game if you get a good shroom. It is also an extremely good wave clear.
Use vision to assassinate
6. TIP
Often you can use vision to your advantage with shrooms and your invis. If you see a squishy target come somewhere you can prepare a shroom and wait for them, and you will basically instantly one-shot them.
I have won countless games on assassinating enemy carries in a bush on the way to drake or baron. Maybe even just in lane, if someone pushes it out, you stand further up the lane with a minefield ready to Oneshot. Keep the vision in mind, it's very important. If they see you they can bait you to stay and kill you 3v1.
Dark harvest is NOGO
7. TIP
Some people think dark harvest is good. JUST DONT DO IT. ONLY, if you're megasmurfing. the rune is just not as good as the others in any way. you wont get the same value.
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