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Ability Order
Sap Magic (PASSIVE)
Maokai Passive Ability
Magic Penetration Marks - These help you to kill a lot faster, they also give you some early magic penetration to make up for not getting Sorcerer's Shoes.
Mana Regen Seals - These can be replaced by mana regen/level, depending on your preference. Some extra mana regen really helps Maokai a lot.
Ability Power/Level Glyphs - These help you to hit a lot harder mid-late game.
Armor Quints - You're a bit low in armor with this build, these help make up for it.
Mana Regen Seals - These can be replaced by mana regen/level, depending on your preference. Some extra mana regen really helps Maokai a lot.
Ability Power/Level Glyphs - These help you to hit a lot harder mid-late game.
Armor Quints - You're a bit low in armor with this build, these help make up for it.

I usually get Boots of Swiftness for the sake of initiating and chasing. These can easily be replaced with something else though and you should get whatever the game calls for. Some good alternatives include-
Ninja Tabi - You have the speed boost per dodge mastery, making this a solid choice. This is good vs teams with strong dps champs.
Merc's Treads - Get it vs teams with high amounts of CC.
Sorcerer's Shoes - If you're building more as an AP or someone else on your team is doing most of the initiating, you should get these.

Other Options-

I have Ghost/Exhaust in this guide. It's great for chasing, fighting, and all that. You're also basically impossible to kill with both an extra slow and a speed buff. These, along with your stun and knock up, make you extremely hard to gank successfully during the laning phase. Other good choices include Ignite and Fortify.
Use W on the carry, hit as many as you can with Q, then use ult and E. Spam your abilities as fast as they recharge and try to keep the team fight in your ultimate as much as possible. Set off your ultimate either when the fight is leaving it or when you can finish off the other team's carries with it. That's the jist of it. You can use ghost to get in range for your W in a timely manner, if need be. Then, use Exhaust on anyone who tries to run away, but remember that it's more important for you to protect your carries than it is for you to chase their team.
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