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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Salvation (PASSIVE)
Soraka Passive Ability
the runes i have choosen for this soraka build is supposed to be dmg and sustain against stronger lane comps (this might not include any lane where there is a blitz), by putting in this kind of resist i've won several carry, support situations, where me and my lane partner have been put at a disadvantage.
the skill sequence is mostly aimed at sustain so i would recommend taking points in her E rather than her Q like i put on the guide, this is as you might meet opponents that have much CC or even abilities that can be aborted by silences. but also as i would recommend you having a healer support like Taric or Sona
i choose flash and ignite for the simple reason that ignite halves healing and that i can re-position easily with flash, flash is an great escape or engage tool and needs to be used properly if you want the best results. like if you get baron or dragon with the flash it's worth it, if you flash into the enemy team and you have no team members nearby just ask yourself why you even did that.
considering this is my first guide i think i've done a half way decent job on it and i would like to get some feed back. this soraka build was made for fun during an all support match me and some friends decided to take. i must also thank you for the time you have taken to read my guide. thanks and welcome back in the future. :)
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