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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Standard
Deathbringer Stance (PASSIVE)
Aatrox Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction
Ganking: Average, Depends on the angle approached Speciality: Mid-Game Tankiness and Damage Why Jungle Aatrox? Aatrox has a very healthy jungle clear and does not particularly struggle at any point in the game unless incredibly far behind. Learning his combos is very important when it comes to successful ganking and vision control is important for the entire team, as a single bush can destroy an Aatrox's chances to get a kill. He is an excellent counter-ganker, however. |
Pros and Cons
Bruiser Aatrox is the standard build path for jungling. He builds Profane Hydra first, but apart from that he goes mainly fighter items to maintain a level of tankiness while also providing large damage outputs. | Tank Aatrox works well because of his inherent large health pool and ability to lifesteal efficiently with his passive, ultimate, and E. Building tank items on top of this creates a very beefy fella. | Lethality Aatrox is the build you go if you'd like to focus entirely on damage and risk your life in every fight you're in. It works out well if you're competent with your Q and ultimate, but it is far from his most optimal build. |
Skill Order
The Darkin Blade 1 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9 W Infernal Chains 2 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18 E Umbral Dash 3 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13 R World Ender 6 / 11 / 16 |
To begin with Aatrox in the Jungle, we want to start out with The Darkin Blade level 1 and further max it out as your first ability. Hitting the sweet spot of his Q here is integral to doing anything damage wise to both jungle camps and enemy champions. For level 2 we want to pick Infernal Chains for the little boost of damage it can give us in our early clear speed. It ain't much, but it's honest work. Moving into level 3 we pick Umbral Dash rather than put another point into our Q for the mobility and passive omnivamp it grants us incase of an invade. Though we do not max out our W and E in this order. After Q is maxed out we move into leveling up our E, once again for it's passive Omnivamp, then finish our levels with maxing out W. |
Ability Usage in Jungle
DRAGON He benefits the most from Infernal Soul. Infernal Cinder's grant just a smidge of movement speed and the bonus Attack Damage from soul is always beneficial. |
ELDER DRAKE Aatrox can solo this objective, but it is highly unrecommended and much better to do with a team. |
Ideally, Aatrox would start Red Side due to the slightly extra damage from Red Brambleback's burn and the AOE camps, which his Q prefers. He starts Red Buff into Krugs into Raptor's, then moves to blue side. | Blue Sentinel isn't as useful to Aatrox as red side due to being manaless. The camps on blue side are also (almost) all single target camps, which Aatrox doesn't favor all too well. |
Feats of Strength
PLATED STEELCAPS Plated Steelcaps grants you Armor and Movement Speed, most notably armor and a passive that decreases the amount of damage taken from basic attacks. Against an AD team, these boots are impossibly useful, but unless against a majority of AP casters, Plated Steelcaps are standard nonetheless. |
FEATS OF STRENGTH Feats of Strength is gained by completing two of three objectives before the enemy team. These objectives include 3 epic monsters slain, first blood, and first tower. For Aatrox, the most optimal are First Blood and first three epic monsters slain. This is because of his good ganking power when put in an unfair fight against an enemy and the unexpected damage of his Q combo. His ability to sustain with jungle monsters also aids in his secondary Feat of Strength. |
ARMORED ADVANCE Upgrading PS grants you Armored Advance, provided a buff to the Armor and Movement Speed of your boots. Most notably, you also gain a new passive alongside your old one. Now, Armored Advance will grant you a physical damage shield for four seconds when taking damage from a champion. |
Patch Notes
1/15/2025: 25.S1.1 - Replaced "Boots" section with "Feats of Strength" section, Added Atakahn to "Objectives" section.
11/6/2024: 14.22 - R Damage Decreased.
10/12/2024: Added "Builds" section.
10/1/2024: Guide Created.
11/6/2024: 14.22 - R Damage Decreased.
10/12/2024: Added "Builds" section.
10/1/2024: Guide Created.
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