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Aatrox Build Guide by AverageLilliaPlayer

Jungle The ALP Guide to Aatrox Jungle

Jungle The ALP Guide to Aatrox Jungle

Updated on March 7, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer 13 0 18,687 Views 1 Comments
13 0 18,687 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Aatrox Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer Updated on March 7, 2025
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Runes: Standard

1 2 3
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

The ALP Guide to Aatrox Jungle

By AverageLilliaPlayer
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction

Aatrox, The Darkin Blade
Melee, Fighter, Tank, Manaless, Top Laner, Physical
Clearing: Healthy, Average Clearspeed [ 3:36 ]
Ganking: Average, Depends on the angle approached
Speciality: Mid-Game Tankiness and Damage
Why Jungle Aatrox? Aatrox has a very healthy jungle clear and does not particularly struggle at any point in the game unless incredibly far behind. Learning his combos is very important when it comes to successful ganking and vision control is important for the entire team, as a single bush can destroy an Aatrox's chances to get a kill. He is an excellent counter-ganker, however.
Pros and Cons


➺ Manaless
➺ Very Healthy Clear
➺ High Damage
➺ Great Sustain
➺ Great Early-Mid Game
➺ Difficult to Counter-Pick


➺ High Skill Ceiling
➺ Average Ganks
➺ Easily Telegraphed
➺ Very Bad Against CC
➺ Bad Late Game
➺ Doesn't Snowball as Hard as Others

Bruiser Aatrox is the standard build path for jungling. He builds Profane Hydra first, but apart from that he goes mainly fighter items to maintain a level of tankiness while also providing large damage outputs.

Tank Aatrox works well because of his inherent large health pool and ability to lifesteal efficiently with his passive, ultimate, and E. Building tank items on top of this creates a very beefy fella.

Lethality Aatrox is the build you go if you'd like to focus entirely on damage and risk your life in every fight you're in. It works out well if you're competent with your Q and ultimate, but it is far from his most optimal build.
Skill Order
The Darkin Blade

1 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9
Infernal Chains

2 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18
Umbral Dash

3 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13
World Ender

6 / 11 / 16
> > >
To begin with Aatrox in the Jungle, we want to start out with The Darkin Blade level 1 and further max it out as your first ability. Hitting the sweet spot of his Q here is integral to doing anything damage wise to both jungle camps and enemy champions.
For level 2 we want to pick Infernal Chains for the little boost of damage it can give us in our early clear speed. It ain't much, but it's honest work. Moving into level 3 we pick Umbral Dash rather than put another point into our Q for the mobility and passive omnivamp it grants us incase of an invade.
Though we do not max out our W and E in this order. After Q is maxed out we move into leveling up our E, once again for it's passive Omnivamp, then finish our levels with maxing out W.
Ability Usage in Jungle
Deathbringer Stance
➺ Aatrox's auto attacks deal extra percent health magic damage and periodically heal him as well as having a slight increase in AA range. The cooldown for this heal decreases the cooldown for heal by two seconds. Hits with the edge of The Darkin Blade reduce it by four seconds instead.

➺ In the Jungle, Aatrox benefits from this passive exponentially. His passive keeps him healthy enough to full clear and move onto scuttle to fight if necessary, and if not then there is ample health to gank top or middle. This also keeps Aatrox alive in team fights a bit longer provided he is able to get an auto off.
The Darkin Blade
➺ Aatrox can activate The Darkin Blade three times, each having a different area of damage and a sweetspot that does extra damage. If hit by the sweetspot, enemies are also knocked up in a short stun.

➺ In the Jungle, The Darkin Blade is the primary clearing, ganking, and damage tool. Hitting monsters with your sweetspot Q dramatically increases clear speed times and the three stuns from the same aforementioned sweetspot can allow for free kills during ganks.

➺ This scales with Attack Damage
Infernal Chains
➺ Aatrox sends out a chain forward that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit, doubled for minions, and slows them for 1.5 seconds. If it hits a player or large monster the chain connects to the enemy and pulls them back to the center after a short period of time if they do not get far enough away to break the chain.

➺ In the Jungle, The Darkin Blade is the primary clearing, ganking, and damage tool. Hitting monsters with your sweetspot Q dramatically increases clear speed times and the three stuns from the same aforementioned sweetspot can allow for free kills during ganks.

➺ This scales with Attack Damage
Umbral Dash
➺ ACTIVE: Aatrox dashes in a target direction. This can go over some walls. This dash also resets his AA timer and can be cast at the same time as other abilities.
➺ PASSIVE: Aatrox heals himself as he damages other champions.
This passive scales with Health.

➺ In the Jungle, Umbral Dash can increase clear speed times by having Aatrox dash over jungle walls to lessen the time walking from camp to camp. In the later game, having Umbral Dash maxed out also gives Aatrox a great deal of his vampiric tankiness.
World Ender
➺ Aatrox unleashes his true form for ten seconds, fearing nearby minions and monsters. He is also ghosted at this time and gains bonus movement speed on activation. The duration of the ultimate extends by five seconds when Aatrox scores a takedown. During the duration of World Ender, he also gains bonus attack damage, increased size, and bonus healing from all sources.

➺ In the Jungle, World Ender is an initiation tool for ganks. Or, at times, it can be used to run away from a fight because of the increased move speed. In late game, World Ender is the only way to survive in large scale team fights due to Aatrox's falloff.
Aatrox can solo any dragon at any point in the game, but struggles if attacked during the initial clear. It's important to keep vision around dragon pit to avoid a gank and wards should be cleared before beginning the objective.

He benefits the most from Infernal Soul. Infernal Cinder's grant just a smidge of movement speed and the bonus Attack Damage from soul is always beneficial.

It is highly recommended to be at Voidgrub's when they spawn, as Aatrox can clear the camp and remain at very high HP. Hitting the grubs with the sweetspot of your Q can make the task incredibly fast, especially the second and third sweep. Aatrox does not need any assistance in clearing the camps, but it is always helpful and appreciated if a teammate comes to you willingly.

Herald can be solo'd by Aatrox, though it isn't as fast as it is with some other champions. It is recommended to have a teammate within reach (they don't have to be there directly, just keeping an eye on the baron pit) so that the enemy jungler or others cannot come and completely shut down the objective attempt.

Voracious Atakahn will spawn in lower-action games with fewer kills/damage, taking root in whichever side of the map has the most drama within it. It cannot be solo'd by Aatrox and requires a majority of the team to be with him. If attacked by the enemy, abandon Atakahn and focus on pinching the enemy between yourselves and Atakahn, as you both deal great amounts of damage and you wouldn't want to be the one taking both. Upon killing him, your team is granted a free, one-time use of False Life but instead of reviving right in the middle of the fight, you blink back to your fountain. This is best used to secure kills right after the Atakahn fight, especially if stolen from the enemy. You also gain a small gold bonus buff to killing enemy champions.

This is the most likely Atakahn for Aatrox jungle specifically, due to his high damage and snowballing potentional, as well as decent objective clearing. Ruinous Atakahn will spawn in high-intensity games full of damage and death, taking root in whichever side of the map felt the most carnage. Aatrox again, cannot solo the objective and should use a similar tactic as Voracious Atakahn when fighting it. Upon slaying Ruinous Atakhan, you are granted Crown of Carnage which permanently boosts rewards from epic monsters slain aswell as 6 stacks of Bloody Petals. This buff should be used to snowball the game, with your team putting a great deal of emphasis on securing objectives.

Aatrox has a lot of sustain to help him in baron fights, making him a formidable jungler to triple or even duo baron. He is best suited to fight baron with an ADC who is going even in their lane, preferably ahead and close to full build. However, if it is up to choosing Elder Drake or Baron Nashor and the game is completely even, I would recommend getting Elder Drake first.

Aatrox prefers to get Elder Drake over baron if possible due to the extensive damage he can put out late game. All it takes is one lucky Aatrox with elder buff to win the game, as long as he/she isn't completely CC chained (or just a bit bad).
Aatrox can solo this objective, but it is highly unrecommended and much better to do with a team.


Ideally, Aatrox would start Red Side due to the slightly extra damage from Red Brambleback's burn and the AOE camps, which his Q prefers. He starts Red Buff into Krugs into Raptor's, then moves to blue side. Blue Sentinel isn't as useful to Aatrox as red side due to being manaless. The camps on blue side are also (almost) all single target camps, which Aatrox doesn't favor all too well.
Core Items
Feats of Strength
Plated Steelcaps grants you Armor and Movement Speed, most notably armor and a passive that decreases the amount of damage taken from basic attacks. Against an AD team, these boots are impossibly useful, but unless against a majority of AP casters, Plated Steelcaps are standard nonetheless.

Feats of Strength is gained by completing two of three objectives before the enemy team. These objectives include 3 epic monsters slain, first to three kills, and first tower. For Aatrox, the most optimal are first to three kills and first three epic monsters slain. This is because of his good ganking power when put in an unfair fight against an enemy and the unexpected damage of his Q combo. His ability to sustain with jungle monsters also aids in his secondary Feat of Strength.

Upgrading PS grants you Armored Advance, provided a buff to the Armor and Movement Speed of your boots. Most notably, you also gain a new passive alongside your old one. Now, Armored Advance will grant you a physical damage shield for four seconds when taking damage from a champion.

EARLY GAME: Aatrox does not struggle with an early game clear speed nor does he suffer from being low hp by the end of it. He is fully capable of fighting over scuttle crab and can do early game objectives solo.
MID GAME: Aatrox could have/should have a few kills or assists under his belt at this point and with his ultimate, he can participate in counter-jungling and invades frequently. If there is ever a time he begins to fail at one of these, it takes very little effort to flash, e, or r out of a fight.This is his most powerful point in the game, take advantage of it.
LATE GAME: By this point in the game, Aatrox is either unstoppable or his team is. A fully fed Aatrox might begin to show signs of being outclassed by other champions who perform better in the later halves of the game, but a smart Aatrox knows this and plays around his engages and ultimate.
Patch Notes
1/15/2025: 25.S1.1 - Replaced "Boots" section with "Feats of Strength" section, Added Atakahn to "Objectives" section.
11/6/2024: 14.22 - R Damage Decreased.
10/12/2024: Added "Builds" section.
10/1/2024: Guide Created.
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