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Usually you´ll start at 1.55 min at the blue Buff. As i allready said somewhere you´ll need help for that since she isn´t all to strong with lvl 1 without gear. After that u reached lvl 2 and can take down the wolves. Now it deppends on how much the lanes are pushed, will you try a gank or just proceed with the jungle if you go further into the jungle you deal with the ghosts take down the golem camp and then try to gank. If u want to gank come from behind attack with your q first hope that u got ur passiv aswell and then use ur heal and spamm q and w to get your passiv again and try to deal dmg.
You will be underestimated
It's fun to play her not as support
You got a pretty nice stun
You can heal
You can give bonus movement speed
You can deal dmg and give + dmg
She´s not the easiest Jungler
It´ll be hard to get back if u get countered
ganking under lvl 6 is not that easy
You will be underestimated
It's fun to play her not as support
You got a pretty nice stun
You can heal
You can give bonus movement speed
You can deal dmg and give + dmg
She´s not the easiest Jungler
It´ll be hard to get back if u get countered
ganking under lvl 6 is not that easy
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